Saturday, September 25, 2021

T.O.P.S. And The IPA I DON'T Like

At home, I was 128.4 for a gain of 1.4; at T.O.P.S., I was 126.9, a loss (according to our weigh-person, Bobbi) of .06. I can't even figure all that out, myself.  The meeting was okay, I guess. Lennie is back, but in a few weeks, she's going to a Scrabble tournament in Idaho or somewhere exotic like that. The meeting lasted pretty long--until almost 10:00--but I was patient this time.

I called Primary Medical to try to get a referral for an ophthalmologist. When I finally heard back from Natalie, the referral person, I was told I HAD to go to Miramar, because I have Seaview IPA. What the hell? The only IPA I'm interested in is Indian Pale Ale, my favored beer.  The doc I wanted to switch to, takes Blue Shield--yet I can't go there?   It's unbelievable that insurance companies have such control, and I'm steaming about it. I was on the phone, yet again, with CVS Caremark, about the continuing problem, which I fervently hope, is now resolved. 

Walked to The Market and Wal-Mart after lunch, just to pick up a few things. As soon as I got home, I chopped up three onions, half to stir-fry for dinner, half to stow in the freezer. Made the stir-fry, adding peppers and garlic, and it was delish. 

Julie left me a voice mail to the effect that she had given her friend, Margaret, my phone number. It seems Margaret was going to be buying tickets to see My Fair Lady and wanted to invite me.  I assume it's on stage, but I'm not sure where. My first impulse was to jump at the chance, but there are complications, one being I'm still not sure when I'll be going to Jersey. The second? I don't really like Margaret, although I was awed to hear she had sung in Andrea Bocelli's backup chorus in Vegas. Well, we'll see.  

Jim called to say he had forgotten he can't come on Sunday for lunch, as he has another commitment--he asked how today looked. Said I'd talk to Ellen and let him know. Did so, and yes, Greg is working, so I told Jim to come today. I got out of the freezer the sandwiches I had leftover from when I had Julie and Noreen over, plus what was left of the apple crisp. With a glass of red, that'll be a good lunch for both of us. 


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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...