Sunday, September 05, 2021


After my horrendous night, I thought I'd be wiped out all day, but I actually wasn't. I spent several hours gathering, editing, and duplicating more pictures for the little "Franky Pics" book I want to give him., choosing a light and flexible loose leaf binder that will be easier for him to handle. (I had given each of my Acting For Amateurs members one, with their scripts inside. Since it was readers' theatre, I wanted the setup to be uniform.)

When I was tossing and turning over Friday/Saturday night, I had the inspiration to make a slurry, which I thought was any mixture that was fairly thick. I hadn't looked it up, just did, and found it actually means a mix of flour and water (I stirred in a slurry every time I made gravy). Anyway, I knew I had several containers--at least a pound, in fact*--of blueberries, plus some raspberries in the freezer. Incredibly, I got up--it was 3:30 am--took them out and poured them all in a large Pyrex dish. Put that in the (cold) oven, just to have it defrost, which it was in the morning. After breakfast, I pureed it with my handy new gadget, and this was the result:

While indulging in my daily hour of DVD, I mixed it with plain yogurt (I added no sugar to either, as sugar is poison) and had some while I re-watched Fracture. It was truly delicious! (The pretend slurry, that is--the movie isn't bad, either.)

Had canned chicken noodle soup for lunch and was delighted to note I had no problem chewing it. After that, I bused to the transit center, as I wanted to browse a certain shop I like to see if I could get something for Ellen's birthday. Yes, I'm taking her and Greg for dinner, but I wanted to get her a little something else. However, I didn't find anything.

Home and worked more the "Franky Pics" book, which is shaping up well. I doubt if he'll have any interest in it, but his family should like it. Called niece Francine and found she and Frank will stay with Carolyn in Santa Barbara, which I assumed and El and I will drive me up there.

Note: I decided to delete most of what I wrote the other day about Frank visiting. It's okay, I want to see him and I have to remember the world doesn't revolve around me. (Maybe it should, but it doesn't. 😁)

Happier Note: I slept well last night--YAY!

As Long As I'm Making Notes, I Might Add This One Note: It's just unbelievable what corporate America is permitted to do. I got an email from the Ventura County Star, for which I pay almost fifty bucks a month (I may be the only daily subscriber left in the universe) telling me that they were "combining" the Sunday (today) and Monday (tomorrow) editions, so I wouldn't receive a paper tomorrow. Words fail.

*Actually, I checked the containers and it was a bit over two pounds: 32 ounces total.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...