Monday, September 06, 2021

Frankie And "Fracture"

 Another pretty good Sunday. There was not only the regular big crossword, but a bonus, an even bigger one in the dual Sunday/Monday edition. (It's still unbelievable that they can get away with that.)

After breakfast, I continued working on the "Frankie Pix" book, adding some stick-on faces and so on. I hope he'll like it, but fear he won't even know who it's about. I'm about halfway finished with the card for Ellen; I have time for that.

Lunched, then walked to The Market for brown rice, split peas (dried--I want to make soup), onions, and three pounds of tomatoes. When I got home, I immediately chunked and diced, oiled and seasoned, and popped the last two in the oven. I wanted to see if I can eat them as simply stewed tomatoes and it turned out I can. Essentially, they have the same vegetable ingredients as canned, but without the preservatives. And, hey, they taste immeasurably better then what may have been sitting on a shelf for two years. Later, I pureed some with milk added for soup; I may have that for lunch today. 

Julie called me to be sure I knew there was no Soaring Spirits lunch gathering today. She had already told me that, plus I had messaged (now a verb, fer cryin' out loud!) Vera and she had confirmed. 

I'm re-watching Fracture, and boy, where had that been all my life? It's excellent--premise, script, performances are all top notch.   

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...