Sunday, September 19, 2021


 Walked to The Market, then Wal-Mart in the morning. This time, I almost overbought. I had four pounds of tomatoes, a pound of onions, a large container of oatmeal (not the instant kind), shampoo, 500 sheets of copy paper, and assorted other items. I couldn't even get my purse in the cart, so had to carry it "overbody." However, I got a bus home and didn't have too much of a problem.

Jim called to say he thinks he has solved his tax problem, but to thank Michelle and tell her he'll ask her to do his taxes next time. We talked for a long time, as he has to fax something and he didn't know where he could do that. I looked it up for him and found Staples charges the least (1.50) and FedEx the most ($2.00). I asked him over for lunch today and yes, he'll be here.

Other than that, I did plenty of food prep: Followed the tomato/onion/garlic/oil and vinegar routine, roasted and stowed them in the fridge.  I decided to serve crystal pickles when the girls are here on Tuesday, so sliced, seasoned, and froze those ingredients, as directed. Hard-boiled some eggs; I'll make sandwiches for Jim and me today, and will hard-boil more for deviled eggs on Tuesday. I wanted to make applesauce in the slow cooker, but didn't get around to coring, paring, and slicing yet. 

Suzanne rang my bell to show me her new exercise bike. It's a gift for her longevity at St. John's (35 years) and she has it on her patio. We sat and chatted for a bit and enjoyed our neighbor status.  

Went over to Von's for red and white wines, plus individual bottles of Margaritas. I had intended to buy the ingredients for "the best Margaritas ever," according to Jim. But they include the tequila, of course, triple sec, and several other things and frankly, I don't feel like spending that kind of money on booze. The made- up kind is good enough and that's what I bought. I still don't know what dessert I'll serve the girls on Tuesday, but am leaning toward an apple crisp. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...