Monday, September 13, 2021


Awoke and got up at 5:00, although I prefer another ninety minutes. Usual Sunday, crossword okay, and oatmeal good. Took off for The Market a bit after 10:00--walked there, shopped, then went a few more blocks to Wal-Mart. As I often do, bused part of the way back, so I guess I got about two and a half in.

I spent the next hour or so on food prep: washed, microwaved, and cleaned squash, cut up some of my leftover beets and carrots, diced lettuce, added all that to my salad, along with crab meat and a hard-boiled egg. I was about to sit down when Suzanne rang my bell, so lunch could wait. Ever an interested friend, she wanted to know how my day at Carolyn's had turned out. She knew I had been apprehensive about it and was relieved when I said it was a wonderful day. I told her a bit about it and the conversation somehow segued into the fact that her brother is the champion fisherman of Idaho--seriously. He was in some kind of contest and won for the state (caught the most salmon or something), and will compete in Georgia. Interesting!

Off she went, I had lunch, then tried to decide if I should take a nap. No, dint wanna. Instead, I snagged a bus to the mall to see if Macy's, Penney's, or Target had Vassarette undergarments. According to the Internet, all did, but I checked at each of them and they didn't. Maybe I'll order them on-line.

I was pleased to get a call from Jim, who asked how my day with the siblings had gone. Really well, I said, and we had a good talk. After that, Noreen called, asking for ideas for a T.O.P.S. group she's in (not the same as mine). After an annoying interlude with her non-functioning phone, we had a good talk and decided to meet for lunch today at Dargan's. I'll bring her some of the things I did in our group.

Called Carolyn to thank her again for the wonderful day--if partly in Bizzaro Land--on Saturday and we had a good chat. Decided that one of these days, she'd bring Betty here and I'll have them for lunch. (Ha, ha, that always sounds as if I'm going to roast and serve them! Mimi, you're an idiot.)

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...