Tuesday, September 07, 2021


I thought it would be a horrendous day because
   ONE: No newspaper


   TWO: no bus service!

However, it turned out pretty good. I finished the little book for Frank, plus the card for Ellen, plus I prepared a little game for T.O.P.S. (if Lennie wants me to do it). 

After that, I walked to Smart 'n' Final and got lettuce, which I was determined to try to eat. I picked iceberg, not romaine, for it's--uh, reputation for "cleaning out." (I'm too modest to be more specific.) I couldn't easily eat it at first, but I then diced it with my good ol' Chop Wizard. That did the trick and with crab meat and tomatoes added, it was yummy.

I was pleased to get a call from Suzanne, inviting me to Happy Hour. She said she'd ask Vickie and Mary, too, and suggested we meet out on the picnic table between her and V.'s and M.'s. Sure thing and we did at 5:00. Suzanne actually brought a table cloth to cover the picnic table, plus some cut veggies and dip. Vickie brought fruit and I, pretzels. We all brought our own drinks, but I was the only one who consumed alcohol. Suzanne had her usual O'Doul's (why bother?) and incredibly, Vickie brought three bottles of wine: Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot, all of which were called "Fre." This is a little play on words meaning free of alcohol.  I did sample some pretend merlot and meh--I like wine, but it isn't the taste I'm after. As I have no problem expressing, I like the buzz and since this has no buzz, it can buzz off.

However, we had an enjoyable time. After we had eaten, drunk, and chatted, Vickie went back to her place and brought back a Bingo game, which we played for a half hour or so. We then said so long about 7:00 and Suzanne came back to look at the little book I made for my dear departed brother. Here's the cover and the first two pages:

After that, I put in about fifteen other pictures, in a kind of age order. The last one is this:
Will he like it? I doubt if he'll have any idea who the little boy is. All I can hope for is that he'll know who his sisters are.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...