Monday, September 20, 2021


Spent the morning stowing things away, cleaning up a bit, and otherwise doing busywork. I found a clipping of HSHS football, featuring Pat from--oh, seventy-three years ago, which I posted on Facebook.

Jim came at 1:00, as usual, and we had lunch. Talked over different subjects, including dentists and I suggested he may want to look at Dr. Babbitt's web site. Also mentioned Yelp. It didn't surprise me that he had never heard of it. He asked me to write it down and, presumably, he'll look into it. 

Noreen called to say she had a pinochle lesson at noon, so would be late for lunch tomorrow, which I had thought would be 12:30. No problem, as Julie and I can just chat when she gets her--and maybe indulge in a Margarita, too 😁.  

I had intended to catch a ride with Jim to the transit center, then go on into town, but I changed my mind. It's usually pretty busy on Sundays, plus the bus schedule is pared down, so I skipped it. Said goodbye to Jim about 3:30 and just did a few other chores.  

I was stunned to see in my bank account that $600 had been added, a "stimulus" grant from the government. But why me? I have no problem with money, unlike others who may have lost their jobs, are bringing up children, and/or have huge financial problems. I wonder if Bill Gates gets one, too.


Pat said...

Hey, I didn't get one this time. I did get one when the first one was issued. I felt like you...I don't need it but I kept it anyhow.

Pat said...

P.S. In that photo Stan Marczyk looks much less rotund than my 9-year-old eyes saw him. Plus I did not know Pat Molloy's first name was Hugh. This is a great photo for you to have for your kids and grandkids. My brother was in awe of these guys and hadn't yet made the varsity team being a freshman, I think. I wonder what the score of that game was. Later I remember a horrible score when Bridgeton beat us 66-0 maybe it was in '56. In '55 I entered a baton-twirling contest in Bridgeton and didn't even place. Not sure where I got the nerve, but I did it.

Mimi said...

Yes, Pat, HSHS lost, lost, and lost for many years. We were always told, of course, a loss was a "moral victory." Pat said he always hated the name, Hugh, because he was named for his mother's brother, who was a drunk. Ironically, our older son, who is a junior, is called "Hugh" by his wife, in-laws, and others. We always called him "Patrick," of course. BTW, Pat's had been given a middle name; Patrick was his confirmation name. Not sure if I told you how he came by that, but will some time.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...