Saturday, September 04, 2021

Friday, T.O.P.S., And Colonoscopies

The entire attendance at the T.O.P.S. meeting totaled three: Sharon, Julie, and yours truly, who conducted the meeting. I asked Julie to take the minutes; she also had the scale, so acted as official weight mistress. I weighed in at 127.4 at home, a gain of 2.2 and 128 on the T.O.P.S., a gain of 1.8. I'm perfectly okay with that--expected it, as I'm now able to eat more than pureed.  

I started off with information about, and a discussion on, a mainly plant-based diet--I was able to keep Sharon's verbosity to reasonable lengths--then played the little before and after game I described yesterday. S. and J. enjoyed it and generally, the meeting went well. We finished about 10:00, so it lasted an hour or a bit more, which was okay.

Home for breakfast, then I tidied up to get ready for Jim. He came at the usual 1:00, just as Suzanne was going out. They had met before--in fact, what seems like decades ago, I had them both here for dinner, along with Ellen. I just looked it up on this blog and found it was almost four years ago: November 20, 2017. Jeez.  Anyway, Suzanne stepped in and chatted with us for a few minutes. It seems she's in a book club at Church of the Assumption and Jim used to be in a similar one there. (It's surely not the same one, since Susan's concentrates on religious themes.)

Jim and I had our usual. For a change, I also served dessert--the watermelon I had bought the other day and that I'm now tired of ("of which I'm now tired," but so the hell what!). Talked a lot about our backgrounds; of course, I have to drag any info out of him, but I found his great-grandmother lived to be 100. We also discussed colonoscopy, which he says his doctors (plural?) want him to get and everybody he talks to who have had one say it's terribly painful. I protested that it wasn't; I've had two, one in Jersey in 2006 and the other here in 2016, which showed an ulcer. Of course, the preparation is no fun, but with twilight sleep, I didn't have any pain and didn't even remember anything. I suggested he look for info on the Internet and I'll send him some, too.

Ellen called on her way home from work and we had a good talk. She suggested I call niece Francine about next weekend, which I did. I'm feeling okay with them coming now and agreed when El asked me not to mention it was her birthday. In fact, it occurred to me that what I posted yesterday was an "all about me" rant. Naturally, they're not coming just to see me--it's partly for Betty, which is as it should be. I called Francine and left a message; I'll see if I can help with any arrangements.

Suzanne stopped in after dinner and visited for a half hour or so; we had an enjoyable talk.

Note: I had the worst, most sleepless night ever. Made the mistake of looking at the time when I awoke: 1:30. Make the further mistake of getting up about an hour later. Why? To take several containers of blueberries out of the freezer so I can make a slurry today. Mucho more mistake: I started composing a rhyme for Ellen's birthday, using her name. Finally got it--it's pretty mediocre--but got out of bed to type it on this machine. Finally fell back and got up at 6:10. I'll certainly take a nap today.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...