Saturday, February 06, 2021

T.O.P.S. And A visit

A good day: I got to see my sister at long last and I received some nice birthday presents. Went to T.O.P.S. first, of course; I had stayed the same (127) on the home scale and was 128.2 on the "official" one, so up .06. Cheryl, our official weight recorder, gave us our week-by-week weight records for 2018 and 2020.  

Carolyn and Betty got here, as promised, at 10:00. The reason it needed to be early was that C. was expecting Lowe's to come at 1:00 to replace her blinds in the master bedroom. What happened? Their Kitty-Cat chewed right through the strings!

We just sat and talked. That is, Carolyn and I talked; Betty mostly sat silent, lost in her own dwindling world. Sometimes, she'd chime in with something entirely unrelated to what we were discussing. So very sad. She seems to be getting more infirm, too; uses a cane, walks very slowly, and has gained an unhealthy amount of weight. We talked about how I can go see her, once we both get our second COVID shots.

We opened presents. I gave Betty some "bath bombs" (she's the only one in the universe who takes baths, not showers) and a game. In truth, the game is meant for children, but that's about where she is. I received a lovely pale blue scarf from Betty, a pretty "lighted branches" thing from Carolyn, and some neat yoga pants and a top from Robyn and Steve. Carolyn also gave me a blouse she had bought for Betty, but that was too small. They stayed for about an hour and a half, then off they went. It had been so enjoyable--or would have been, if I had be able to find my twin.

Home, had lunch, then walked to the market and back, so got three in. I called Carolyn re the visit--we agreed Betty is rapidly declining--and we discussed other topics.

Got the mail and found a lovely "Happy Valentines' Day" card from my darling Ellen, with such a sweet hand-written note. I called her and we had a good talk.  Called Robyn to thank her for the gifts. 

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...