Monday, February 22, 2021


The gloom is easing up. Did the usual Sunday morning stuff, then walked to The Market and back, so got three in. I called niece Carolyn just to chat, then--with a little trepidation--called my new tenants.  Susan H. answered and I told her I just wanted to welcome her to the house, tell her a few things, and so on. 

Now, first impressions are often bogus--I've met plenty of people I thought were not my type, only to later develop a bond, but that didn't happen here. Susan, I immediately liked. She has a calm, well-modulated voice, speaks good English, and was pleasant and friendly without gushing, We chatted for a bit, exchanged email addresses, and I told her if she or Clifford had any questions or problems, don't hesitate to let me know. She expressed her appreciation and I know she was sincere. Okay, good.

After lunch, I bused to town and picked up The Fog DVD--I dunno; I thought it might be interesting.*  Also bought, second-hand, David Sedaris's Me Talk Pretty One Day. I like the way the guy writes and have read two of his others--just lent one of them to Jim.

I was walking out of the store when Ellen called and we talked while I walked to the bus stop. That's on the street, of course, and the traffic was loud, so I called her back when I got home. We talked about my brooding over the rent and she guided me through a better way to look at it, so I feel a lot better. We also talked about and Better Call Sal, which I've seen and which El informed me is a prequel to Breaking Bad, which I haven't. I don't have NetFlix, nor do I want it, but maybe I'll buy or rent BB. 

*It isn't. Starting watching it last night and I'm afraid it's another donation for the little lending library.

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