Saturday, February 27, 2021

Further Woes

 Did I say things were looking up? I spoke too soon. Got a call at 7 am from the township to the effect that one of the documents--I thought she was saying "covid," but it was short for Code of Occupancy-- wasn't in the packet I sent via UPS Overnight. AAGH! She emailed the document to me, I filled it out, then keeping my fingers crossed, scanned it--luckily, I was able to attach it and sent it back. Therefore--happy day!--the inspector was able to go to the house yesterday and, surely, that would be the end of all my problems and the new people would move in on Monday and all would be rosy--

NOT! The house failed inspection. It seems the smoke alarm in the front room--the study, but they called it a bedroom--isn't connected to the other alarms. I called Realtor Kim, then Bill G., who does my maintenance work and is a retired electrician, and he'll go tomorrow while the carpet cleaner is there, to see what he can do. Bill told me the houses hadn't had alarms in the study, so Eileen must have added one when she put in the ceiling fans (which, incidentally, I now own).

This was all partly settled by 11:00, so I walked to the market, bused home, had lunch, then left for the fairgrounds to get my second COVID shot. That went smoothly, at least, and, aside from a slight soreness at the site, I've had no reaction. 

My niece, Joan, who lives in Manhattan, called. We had a nice chat, although I was sorry to hear that her son, Jeremy, an architect, has lost his job. It seems there isn't much architectural work going on. We commiserated about the shape the GD post office is in, as she's had problems, too. I posted my feelings about the place on Facebook: "The UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE IS A DISGRACE TO THIS COUNTY." 

Betty called and I talked to her in our usual vague fashion. Also talked to her helper, Mary. I hope to get to Santa Barbara this week. 

Oh, I almost forgot T.O.P.S. I gained 1.01 pounds, according to their scale, so am up to 128.9. Gained a whopping two point two according to my scale, so 128.4. However, I'm not concerned; I'm still within my comfort zone and I know it will even off next time.

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