Sunday, February 21, 2021


Somewhat of another draggy day, aside from two bright spots. Actually, one was more like interesting than bright: From 9 to 10 am, I virtually attended a Zoom COVID talk by John Ford. Why, yes, the very one who directed John Wayne in all those classic westerns. He reincarnated himself and is now an M.D. and the medical director of the section Suzanne works in at St. John's.

Anyway, I was prepared to be slightly bored, but I wasn't. This guy also has a Masters in Public Health and I suspect he has lectured and otherwise taught a fair amount. He was clear, concise, direct, but not haughty. He illustrated his talk with some printed material, which was showed side by side with the video of him. He didn't, though, commit what I consider the cardinal sin of any speaker, i.e. read word for word the printed material. I've been in college classes where the teacher did that and in professional seminars, too, and nothing could be more boring. Use what's on a screen as a jumping off point for elaboration, yes, but what are you assuming if you read the stuff in front of the audience--that they're illiterate? Anyway, it was good and I thanked Suzanne for setting it up. 

I bused to midtown after lunch and picked up a few little things at a small shop I like. That's when the  bright spot occurred: I got a call from Gayle B., one of my young friends from the widder group (she's 66) and we talked about getting together for lunch with Anne L. another member of the group.      

Anne is a perinatal instructor and has her own web site. Her credentials include a BSN, RN, and RNC-OB (I don't know what that is). She's close to sixty, but looks much younger; she was widowed quite young. We clicked as soon as we met, for some reason, and I like both her and Gayle a lot.

Anyway, Gayle called when I was walking down Main Street. I ducked into a little alcove to escape traffic noise and we talked for a good forty-five minutes. I told her I was up for either bring-your-own-lunch-and-we-eat-in-a-park or a-restaurant-in-town-open-for-outside-dining, and to just let me know.  

Another call wasn't so enjoyable: It was from Betty, calling at 9:10 pm. No sense in going over it--it didn't make sense--but I don't want to be called when I've just turned off the light, preparing to go to sleep. She had called me in the afternoon, too, but that was perfectly okay. I'll get back to her today, but I'm almost sure she won't remember the late call.


iloveac said...

Rosemary, not an academic degree. It is advanced credentialing for RNs in their specialty. It was developed by the ANA (American Nurse Assoc.) in the 80s. I took one of the first exams and was credentialed in Medical Surgical Nursing.

Mimi said...

Thanks, Pat, I hadn't known that.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...