Sunday, February 07, 2021


A pokey day, enlivened only by a few phone calls. I called my former Sunrise Bay neighbor, Frank D., just to catch up and to discuss Anne Mary's death. After that, I called Roman K., down the street on Sweetwater. His Judy died nineteen months ago--another loss that had startled me when I heard about it. Judy had been a real original, a Brooklynite, volatile and sometimes a pain, but full of life and verve. I always remember that when we were new to Sunrise Bay, 17  years ago, the K.s invited us to their Halloween? Christmas? summer?--can't remember--party and we got to meet a lot of other neighbors.  

Anyway, Roman had been very good to Anne Mary in her last years. He told me she died alone at the hospital in Manahawkin. He wrote her "obituary" in The Breeze of Sunrise Bay, really a tribute to her. No notice appeared in the newspaper. I looked it up on-line, but couldn't find it--emailed Roman to ask. Roman also went into a very long story about how he, an old-school practicing Catholic, and Judy, Brooklyn Jewish to the core, converted. He baptized Judy and is now active with the Presbyterians.   

Trudging farther down the Trail of the Past, I started looking over my Uncle Frank's memoirs (plus some of Aunt Mary's and Uncle Ed's), which I had typed into a blog, starting in 2006. Frank's concerns his life from 1905 until he was a fairly old man, and it's riveting. I want to get it in shape to share with my relatives. 

Other than than, I was unusually idle. I did walk over to Von's for Yukon Gold potatoes and salad dressing. Chopped four large onions and stowed them in the freezer-I want to make ground turkey stir-fry for dinner. I called Betty and we had our usual meandering, unfathomable talk, then the connection suddenly cut off. When I tried to get back to her, the message machine was on. I called her later, though, and we talked for a bit.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...