Friday, February 26, 2021


 Well, things have improved, at least to an extent. I was glad to have slept all night, but not so glad when a text notification sound from Eileen woke me at five am.  Being in Jersey, she must have forgotten the time difference. However, no problem and she said the new people could put things in the garage on Sunday, and so on. 

Realtor Kim called to say that somebody or other has a possible "in" with somebody at the township, so would I email or fax her the documents and she'll get them to him. AAGH! That's what I tried to do for Walter and they wouldn't go through--kept changing from a jpeg to a dht or whatever it is. And I don't think I have a fax; I'm not even sure if my copier faxes. However, in desperation, I tried to send them. To Walter, I put them all on one, but for Kim, I copied, then saved them one by one--eight sheets. Thank Zeus, it worked!

Of course, that means I didn't have to have spent seventy-one dollars and the time over-nighting them, so that's something to obsess over, but I'm not going to, I swear. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not! (I hope I'm not.)

Carolyn B. emailed to ask if I'd like to pretend-attend a Storyteller Zoom presentation entitled "Growing Up." on March 4. Well, I'd rather do that that hang by my thumbs for three days, but--. However, I said I did and she sent me the link. I just hope it's not one of the shmaltzy things about dear old Mom and how she raised us up during the depression and made our school clothes out of Dad's old overalls.

I was pleased that Jim called about 10:00 and, after some chat, we agreed to meet for lunch. I went over to Von's beforehand for turkey for a sandwich, but didn't have time for a longer walk. We met at 1:00, as usual under clear blue skies, a light breeze, and about seventy degrees. 

I had just read a New Yorker article about a woman who is doing a play on Emily Dickinson (one of my all-time favorite poets), but incorporated into it the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein.  Of course, I had to discuss that with Jim, who said L.W. was famous. (Couldn't prove it by me.) 

Jim left about 3:30, I dropped my stuff off at home, then bused to town. I wanted to get some walking, so I went down Main, stopping in a store now and then. I probably got in only about two, but it felt good. Home and at 8:00, I settled back with Chardonnay, Jack and Faye, and their ill-fated affair in Chinatown.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...