Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Full Day

Right after breakfast, I called Walter, Susan's husband; the G.s had lived across the street from me in Sunrise Bay for 17 years and we're good friends. Walter is a retired chemist, but went into real estate when they moved to Little Egg. He's retired from that now, too (he'll be 85 in April), but I called to ask him to recommend a realtor. He did, Kim Wojcik, who calls her agency "eXp," so I assume it's a franchise. Kim handled Walter and Susan's house sale and very well, he said. It wasn't her fault the sale collapsed, as noted in my previous entry. I called her immediately, told her what's up, and she'll be sending me a contract. 

I like Kim's style. She doesn't waste time on unneeded niceties, but is all businesslike. I want that in people I deal with in business, including doctors, actually. She asked pertinent questions, we discussed for a bit, she got the pertinent info, and we were--well, in business.

Happily, Jim called me shortly after that to tell me he had gotten the first dose of vaccine at 7:00 at the hospital. He also suggested lunch and yes, indeedy, I'll be glad to. That's two beer sessions in one day--Happy Hour at 5:00--but so what?  Changed the bed and did a white wash, then met Jim at 1:00 and we had a good talk-fest (hee, hee), as ever. 

Our Happy Hour Zoom meeting with Nancy and Carolyn went well.--but oh, how I miss actually seeing friends and interacting per person, instead of virtually. Nancy got the vaccine, Carolyn isn't eligible yet, being only in her fifties and I'll get mine at 10:30 today. Nothing much else new with either of them.

I want to add this, as I'm so proud. This is my daughter-in-law Paula, Mike's wife. She is a partner with Hirsch Bedner, and just designed a terrific "senior living" place in Wuhan, China. You can see more pics if you go into the site, but good luck with reading the descriptions; they're in Chinese.

1 comment:

iloveac said...

Very impressive. Wish I had some of her gifts.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...