Monday, February 01, 2021

Susan And The Park

 I called my old friend and neighbor, Susan G., after breakfast and we had a long, long talk--an hour and a half by the clock--mostly about Anne Mary. Susan was very apologetic that I hadn't known--she thought she had called me, but must have been mistaken. Anyway, I heard all about it--I think it happened in September. 

Susan also told me about her and Walter's problem with an independent living community in Whiting, N.J. They had paid into a long-term care policy for years and decided recently it was a good time to move. With their home on the market for only three days, they had several offers and accepted the one ten thou over their asking price. (It's a booming housing market, as everyone knows.) They had a house sale and got rid of a lot of superfluous  possessions and were all set to move...

...until they found out the facility (in Whiting, NJ) wasn't covered by the policy--some kind of licensure problem. Luckily, they were able to get the prospective buyers to agree to giving up the house and Susan and Walter, for now, are staying in Sunrise Bay.

After our extended phone call, I took my cart and walked to the Market for paper goods and lettuce. After lunch, I finally tackled the mountain of paperwork that's been sitting on my desk for days. I really need to stop this procrastination I'm constantly allowing to mess up my life. I actually have a list of five different projects I want to do; have completed three and will do he others today.  I have to force myself not to go out until they're done.  Ellen called after dinner just to chat; that made Sunday better, but it was still a drag. 

Forgot to post the following picture in my last entry. This is Kimball Park, to which I walk frequently, over the footbridge. I love the hills in the background--this picture doesn't do them justice.

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