Tuesday, February 23, 2021


It was an incredibly beautiful day, the sky a perfect blue, the sun beaming, temperature in the low seventies, with a gentle breeze now and then. That lifted my spirits and made me remember one of the reasons I love it here. 

Via email, I wrote back to David and sent a note to my tenant, Susan. Also wrote to Roberta, Sandy Ottenberg's daughter, adding some of what I remember of my long-ago playmate. Did a few other little laptop items, nothing much.

After lunch, I walked over the footbridge to the Hill Street branch of the library to drop off the Mr. Rogers DVD documentary. In truth, I thought it was less than stellar, maybe because I've now lost interest in Mr. Rogers. From there, I bused to "the east end" of Ventura, near where Ellen used to live. I haven't been that way for almost a year and wanted to revisit a shop I had liked. Did so, and bought a sun hat--the one I usually wear is ready to be retired. 

Ellen called after dinner to say her Internet service, Spectrum, was out, not only in Ojai, but all over Ventura County. Mine, Yandoo Communications, was okay and I hope hers is this morning. With remote teaching, losing Internet connections simply closes the classroom.  



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