Wednesday, February 24, 2021

My Hair And Zoom

 Another gorgeous day. After breakfast, I walked to the park and the little library; left off a book and two Consumer Report magazines (why I subscribed to that, I don't even know) and borrowed two books. Instead of walking home, I went from there to the bus stop and rode to the mall/transit center. Went to Target there, hoping they had blueberries, and they did. I bought three one dry pint packages and some darling little bunny rabbit salt and pepper shakers (talk about your easy target). I guess they're meant for Easter and it's coming, isn't it, so why not?

Lunched, then showered and washed my hair, preparing for a cut. Luckily, there's a salon right across the way in the Von's shopping center. I was taken right away and "Gee-Gee" did a nice job on my hair. 

Zoomed with Nancy and Carolyn at 5:00, as ever. It was just the usual idle chat; since they don't go out at all, there's rarely anything new to discuss. As for anything interesting--no, not that either.

I had a terribly restless night. Now, Wednesday morning, I feel as if I didn't sleep at all. I think I know what I'm troubled about and I'm going to address it today.

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