Tuesday, June 30, 2020


After finally falling asleep, my alarm woke me at 6:30, which was okay. After breakfast, I put in two loads of wash--colors, then whites--and they were finished by 11:00. I called Nancy and we chatted. Left a message for my new friend, Olivia, to see if she wanted to make a date for lunch near the fire pit in the middle of the complex. Speaking of which (she's the one with the germ one), I emphasized that we can easily sit six feet apart.  Later, I met her on the path and we decided to meet at 12:30 tomorrow. 
My great-grandson's mother put this picture on Facebook and I turned it into a puzzle, which I enjoyed putting together. I sent it to her in FB Messages. "T.," his little brother, made the cupcakes--not bad for a 12-year-old. I love the fact they spell out "18," J.'s age as of two days ago. 
He's a gem, all right.* 
Went to Von's for lettuce, had lunch, then was about to walk to the park when I met up with Suzanne, who was coming from work at St. John's. (She goes in only occasionally now.)  I gave her two of the four avocados Olivia had given me, then we sat out front and chatted for a half hour or so, then off I went to the park. Walked there and back, so I got three miles in. 
At my usual 8 to 9 pm viewing time, I continued watching Salem's Lot, but lost interest after twenty minutes or so. I switched to ID Go, but soon called it a day.  Slept soundly.
*Don't give me your little certified public accountant as a role model for youth, but those like him. J. has brains, a sense of humor, and creativity, but also in large measure, kindness toward others and compassion.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...