Thursday, June 11, 2020

Talking On The Telephone

Wednesday was a telephone and talk day. Talked to Betty early on, then my old friend and HSHS classmate, Mary Hoffman called and we had a long gabfest (as the old celeb columnists used to say). I then called Fred D., Marge D.'s husband and, like my brother, Larry, he talked for a long, long time, ranging over various subjects, all of which either angered or alarmed him. I listened, though--Fred has had a more difficult life than most people do and he doesn't often get a chance to share it.
Suzanne knocked on my door while I was talking to Fred, so after we hung up, I reciprocated and we sat out front and chatted. Our across-the-lawn neighbor, a young man named Gilbert, came out and stood--six feet away or more--to tell us he had had a fever last week, was afraid that was "IT," but the doctor tested and it wasn't.
By then, it was noon, and Suzanne and I went in; shortly thereafter, she texted me that there was a fire between Ventura and Santa Paula. I went out to check, and yes, there was a column of smoke in the hills:
I alerted Ellen by text and we went back and forth, then she called and we talked. Planes were circling overheard and, I guess, dropping water or chemicals to put it out.  By the time I left for town about 3:00, I could no longer see smoke.
Just before that, Fred called back with my friend, Marge, on the line. We talked for a time, but she had some problem hearing and/or understanding me. She's failing, I think. Marge is almost exactly ten years older than I am; she's the one who introduced me to acting in Sunrise Bay. I always liked her so much and, like Fred, she hasn't had an easy life: first husband abusive, daughter died in her fifties. Lots of misery in this world, that's a cinch.
I had just gotten to the transit center when Stella called. We talked for some time, while I was waiting for the next bus and after I got on it. Yesterday was the second anniversary of her husband's death and she was feeling so sad--cried a little, but that's all right, of course.
I walked The Promenade and was pleased to see so many enjoying the beach. Now they can officially stand, sit, and sunbathe, which they had before anyway and good for them. 
I liked being there, but it was so ungodly hot, I thought discretion was the better part of--well, avoiding a sun stroke, or something, so I walked back to Main, boarded my bus, and went home. Stopped for grapes and eggs at Von's. Betty called one more time when I was about to sit down for dinner. We chatted a bit--she repeated a lot, as usual, but that was okay. 
El is coming over today, bringing her lunch. I'll take mine and we'll sit out by the center fire pit and pool and have a lovely time. Coincidentally, I just got an email from management that they were opening "the amenities." I hope that means the pool, too, not that we'll swim today, as the heat has eased and it's pleasantly cool.


iloveac said...

Your phone camera takes very good least the ones you post. Does it also take video clips?

Mimi said...

Yes, but I don't usually do that--not sure why, I just don't, but one of these days--watch out!


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...