Monday, June 01, 2020

Screen Shots And Etiam

The usual Sunday, neither terrible nor wonderful. After breakfast and big crossword (mediocre), I spent the morning on 1.) writing a negative YELP! review on the highway robbers who run this place; 2.) adding a very positive review on Expert Window Cleaners and Jesse; and 3.) food prep, which was a lot more enjoyable. I drained the black beans I had soaked overnight, added chopped onions and the "juice" I always save from cooking veggies (the nutrients get sucked out into the water), and put the mix in the slow cooker. Softened acorn and spaghetti squash the microwave, finished off the former and pared and cut the later to cook later. Sent the apartment review to the other residents with whom I'm in touch. Finished off a virtual puzzle, then started another--of my father and grandmother, when he got his bachelor's degree. I'm still trying to figure out screen shots--so far, it's alluded me.
After lunch, I walked to Telephone Road--maybe a mile and a half--and caught a bus to the WinCo. shopping center. Went first to the Dollar Tree for sunglasses and the no-sugar caramels I like, then got fajitas, crab meat, lettuce, and a few other  things at WinCo. Bused to the transit center, then another home and then, it was almost 5:00. Took a short walk.
The beans turned out beautifully and I have enough for an army. I'll probably freeze some for later.
My fifteen-year-old granddaughter, Vivian, (she's on the right in the large picture), and her two classmates (they all live in Singapore) are finalists in the Conrad Challenge, which is a science contest for high school students. Their team, "Etiam," presented a cost-effective asteroid mining system that will bring rare minerals and materials back to Earth from space. They included the kind of capital this would need, along with the recommended means for improved working conditions. 
Proud? You bet I am. 


iloveac said...

What an achievement for these kids. How about telling us how many others were in the the hundreds, right? What will Vivian study in college?

Mimi said...

Pat, there were more than 600 teams registered from all over the world, which means many more students than that were involved. Teams could range in size--it looks to me that three to four to a team was most common. As for what Vivian will study, I don't know. Several years ago, she said she wanted to go to MIT and eventually be an astronaut, but I'm not sure if that's still her wish or not.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...