Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Market And Main

About 10:00, I walked to the Market for mushrooms, broccoli, and rice cakes, so I got three in early. Did some food prep, trimming the veggies and stowing them in the fridge for dinner. I've been slicing the meat off the roast chicken for my lunch salad; it was almost gone, so I put the carcass, along with seasonings, in the slow cooker, covered it with water and, several hours later, I had homemade broth to use for other dishes.
After lunch, I boarded the bus for town to return some DVDs I had taken out from the library right before the axe came down on society.  I was surprised when the bus driver announced at the certain point that he was going to veer onto Thompson Street because Main was blocked off. That was okay with me--just a block from Main--and I got off to walk to the library.
Yes, Main Street was closed for several blocks. Somebody told me it will be for sixty days and the idea is to allow the restaurants to expand into the street to serve patrons, so they won't be in an enclosed space. That's a great idea and I'm hoping to entice some friends and, most definitely, my daughter, to meet for lunch.
I was glad to hear that the Hill Street branch of the library also has curbside service. That's only about a mile away and I can walk there easily. I'll have to think of a few more books I'd like to borrow. They still haven't notified me that Bill Bryson's English And How It Got That Way is in. Our language is one of my major interests and I can't wait to read it.
Leader Lolly from T.O.P.S. called me on Messenger video while I was on the bus and try as I did, we couldn't seem to connect. Betty called with some story about fires; I assured her they weren't near me. and we chatted a bit.
I got an email from Jim C. His classes started at Ventura College (on-line, of course) and so far, are going well. I hope I can persuade him to meet for lunch before hell freezes over.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

Hi Mom,

Your Messenger video app probably didn't work because it requires a lot of data, which usually requires WiFi access, which you only have in your house.
Talk to you later.



I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...