Monday, June 22, 2020


For a Sunday, it wasn't bad. Had B., did the C., and fooled around on the LP.  Washed and trimmed two pounds of carrots and put them in the slow cooker. Took off for various errands by 10:30 and, incredibly, didn't get home until 3:00.
Why? Because I first walked down Victoria, checked the "next bus" app and it wouldn't be for 25 or so, so walked down to Portola Avenue, another mile or so. Got a bus to Market Street and walked from there to Target, then to Bed, Bath & Beyond, now one of my least favorite places in the universe.  I wanted to replace my dish drainer and theirs don't seem to fit my space--guess I'll have to actually measure. Also wanted a new bath mat for inside the tub, but I don't want to hang it up and dry it every time, so I didn't find one.
Went from there to WinCo and got diet soda, spaghetti squash, canned garbanzo beans, and several other heavy things. Decided, instead of taking the bus directly to Victoria, then having to trek the mile and a half home, to ride to the transit center and get one to land closer. That took an age and waiting for the other did, too, so yes, it was two hours past my usual lunch time when I ate.
But so what, really? What else pressing did I have to do? Not a damn thing.
However, after I ate, I got a nice surprise: a video call from Jersey. I saw and spoke to the family group, including my grandson, his boys, and others. That was great fun and here are the guys and gal who are part of why I'm thrilled to be alive:
The kid in the middle, the graduate, hasn't had an easy life, although he won't be 18 until next Sunday. Even so--or maybe because of it, who knows?--he's an intelligent, curious, and talented person. Much more important, he is a kind and caring young man, also.
The other kid is only 12 and is getting a haircut this week. He hasn't had an easy life, either. Their Dad, Blackbeard, has been a source of much joy, consternation, turmoil, and intense pride for his mother and me for almost forty years. The man on the right? My well-loved son-in-law, Minnesota born and Jersey-bred.
Let's see, who else is in this picture? Oh, yes, the decrepit old grandmother, who's a menace on the pickle ball court. Later, she videoed me from their car driving back to their campground and we did the silly "effects" thing, laughing like loons.
How did I get so lucky?

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...