Thursday, June 04, 2020


After cleaning up the coffee and making a new pot, I settled down to breakfast. Did some stuff on the laptop and so on, then left for the park over the footbridge. Took a book Suzanne gave me, plus one of my own to donate. However, I picked up three to take  home; darn, now I have about six books, maybe more, that I haven't read yet. (The Japanese actually have a word for acquiring books while you have others you haven't read!)  Anyway, I was glad to get the roughly three miles walk in.
Lunched, then did a puzzle. Called Stella, but she wasn't answering. Bused to the mall about 3:30; I wanted to go to Target for blueberries, but they had doubled the price, so I left them. Trader Joe's is in the same mall, so I stopped there (waiting in line outside for roughly twenty minutes) for fish. I picked up frozen tuna steaks and saw they had frozen salmon from Singapore. (I had mentioned this before to son, Mike, and he said he doubted it.) Anyway, I decided to get fresh, instead, and oh, my, when I baked them (much tastier than pan-fried), they were about the best I ever tasted.
Home and I called Jim Crowley for a good, long talk. The summer semester at the college starts in less than two weeks and he has an Intro to Philosophy class (among others) that had been in-person and is now on-line, of course. He said it's whittled down--was eighteen weeks and is now six weeks. Of course, until further notice, all his in-person classes are on-line, too. He said it's very difficult to arrange those classes into virtual ones. I was hoping he'd agree to make a date (no, not that kind of date) for lunch, but he said he "wasn't ready." I didn't push.
Got a return call from Judy, Lora's sister, who sounds very nice. I'm going to see her to get my hair cut--don't know yet about color--on Tuesday--YAY!
I had a hassle with Office Max. They automatically renewed my tech subscription to the tune of $129.99 and since I hardly ever used it, I want it cancelled. Lots of chat crap back and forth, but I think I convinced them to cancel and refund.
I got an email from the P.O. to the effect that they have a package for me they'll deliver by 2:32 today. I'm hoping it's my Mothers Day present from Tokyo, but maybe it's the book from Amazon. But wait--it may very well be the items I ordered from for gifts from Artsonia--my great-grandsons' art projects. Guess I'll find out.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...