Sunday, June 14, 2020

Unexpected Gang From Out of Town

I slept later than usual--to 7:30--and didn't have breakfast until 9:00. I had just taken my first bite of cottage cheese on toast when Betty called. Nothing much going on, just the usual confusion, repeats, non-news, and confused repeats of other non-news. However, we chatted easily for a few minutes, which was okay.
After, I walked to Smart 'n' Final and got lots of produce, as well as peanuts in the shell. There and back is 3.2 miles, which is a good start for the day. Lunched, then hopped the bus for downtown.
Wow, the place was rockin'. Lots of people--most tourists, I guess--and hubbub here and there. It was so festive and like old times, I enjoyed it.
Boarded a bus for home, but got off at the mall. I need copy paper and thought I'd get it at Target. However, their's was ten bucks for what seemed a modest amount and I decided to get it to Wal-Mart today or tomorrow instead.
I pass Von's shopping center on the way and home and who did I see parked there but niece Carolyn and  her family! They had driving from Santa Barbara looking for a car for 18-year-old Finn at the Hertz place (I've bought two cars there) and had just stopped to get McDonald's. They followed me to my complex, I met them out front, and we sat under the pergola in the middle area to visit. It was such fun to see and chat with them. I told Carolyn I'd be up to see her Mom on Thursday and she was pleased about that.
Got home and called Betty to tell her about Thursday and my visitors. She was pleased to hear both and I'm looking forward to seeing her, too.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...