Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Books And My House In Jersey

Stripped the bed, re-made, and put in a white wash. While it was in the dryer, I went over to Von's for lettuce and those already-saturated wipes. Not only did they have no romaine (I got green leaf), but they had no wipes, either.
I was just preparing lunch when I got a text from my tenant, Eileen, telling me the AC wasn't getting cool. Gee, it was only about 65 here today, why would she need AC?
Yoicks! I just looked it up (I often start the blog late on the day of and top it off the next morning); it' was 8:00 pm there and it's EIGHTY-THREE DEGREES! I looked up AC places and found Shore Point in Manahawkin or somewhere. Called and left a message. I also called Anchor Appliances, which takes care of the washer and dryer. However, they don't do air, so gave me the number of "Chilly Willy," whom I called. (I'd choose him just on the basis of the name.)
After lunch, I packed up some books, three DVDs,  and a few magazines and took them in my cart to the little lending library in the park. I was delighted that the stock had been replenished and I picked up five books in a variety of genres. (I've also requested three from the big library.) In the meantime, an elderly man on a bike noticed me there and we fell in to conversation. He and his wife are from New Zealand, although they've been here fifty years, and they frequent the little library, too.
Grateful for my little cart, I packed up my books and walked to the bus stop on Telephone. Rode to Victoria, then walked to the Market for tomatoes, onions, rice cakes, and blueberries. Caught a bus back and that was my day. It doesn't sound like much walking, but it actually totaled five or more, I figure, which is just fine.
Oh, what fun! I was just awakened at 5:48 am by several text messages (my phone has a "bing" notification when I get a text), from Chilly Willy and Eileen, he calling me back, she suggesting another AC person. After I got up and got my coffee, I called the AC person--paid answering machine and they aren't available until Thursday or Friday; will charge $85 just to walk in the door, of course. Forget them.
Willy called back and sounded better. I gave him Eileen's number and he'll call and arrange a visit. However, in the meantime, I got anther text from her telling me there's a problem with a sprinkler head AND that one of the bushes on the side is overgrown. She said she called Bob and I said I'd call Tom C. or whatever his name is, and get him to look at it. Sent Eileen a text covering all the above, but for some reason, it seems not to have gone through, so I called her. 
All this is a drag, especially when I'm three thousand miles away, but it's not as if I have urgent business otherwise, so I can handle it. If it ever gets to a point where I don't want to, I can sell.

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