Friday, June 12, 2020


I walked down to the market about 10:30, thinking I'd avoid the heat. It wasn't too bad, but by the time I got back home, it was about 80--not humid, though.
Hard-boiled some eggs and, when Ellen came, I made myself a sandwich. This was a special treat, as I almost always have a salad for lunch. I had only two Blue Moons left, so put them in my little insulated container and we went off to the fire pit area.
It was delightful to sit outside to eat, drink, and talk, especially with El, of course. The woman named "Berry," whom I met two weeks or so ago, walked by taking her little boy over to his friend's on the other  side of the complex. I greeted her and she stopped to chat. I had thought her accent was Jamaican, but when I asked, she said she was from Cameroon. Nice person.
El had an appointment to get her hair cut at 2:30, so left a few minutes before that. I went back to the apartment to dropped off my container and get my purse, then took off for town.
By that time, it was late afternoon very hot and I just walked down Main to stretch my legs. I stopped into The Coalition and just could not resist this adorable kitty:
Okay, I needed it like a hole in the head, but I like it and hey, for $3.99 (The Coalition is my favorite thrift store), it was a steal. Actually, I might put it outside on the patio later--I think it's meant for that.
Betty called at 8:00, just as I was sitting down for my daily hour of T.V.  I'm not really anxious for a conversation at that hour, so we just talked for a bit.
As for the television, there seems to be something wrong with it. Incredibly, all I could get was a decades-old, black and white Gunsmoke.  I think the clicker needs a new battery or something, so I watched part of the DVD An Unfinished Life.  Bo-o-o-ring and Robert Redford is, indeed, pretty hopeless. Jennifer Lopez was in it, too, though, and thought her performance was good. However, the story line is lame and predictable, so I'll donate the thing to the little lending library. 

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