Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A DVD And Books For Betty

After having a cup here, I walked up to Cheryl's for coffee. I had never been inside their house before and wow, this is a BIG place. It's on a hill and nicely landscaped in the front. Inside, there's a large downstairs with fireplace, but we sat in the dining room, overlooking the backyard. It has a beautiful pool--all colorful mosaic and with some attractive plantings around it. The pool looked to me much larger than the usual homeowner's; it's certainly a lot bigger than the Hardman's, who lived across the street from us on Lower Ferry.
Oddly, the decor and furnishings were rather drab and very sparse. They've lived there more than two years, yet I saw no pictures on the wall. They said they had a lot of repairs to be done when they bought the place, so I guess they're doing that first.
We had a good talk. Cheryl's husband, George, is very vocal about the virus and other problems of modern life. We touched on Mein Kampf, the militaristic aspects of the country, and other topics, but didn't go into much depth. Cheryl lent me this DVD:
Her late stepfather, Greg McClure, played the old-time boxer, John L. Sullivan. (He was no relation to the actor, Doug McClure.) He's listed in Wikipedia and here's a snippet:
Greg McClure was an American actor. His most notable film role was as John L. Sullivan in The Great John L. but in most of his twenty films he had only bit parts, often as a soldier or a boxer. He signed a contract with Golden Gate Pictures, for whom he was meant to appear in Pillar Mountain and My Dog Shep. Wikipedia
BornApril 5, 1915, Atlanta, GA

DiedDecember 7, 2012, Iowa

Walked home after an hour or so and had breakfast. Tidied up, had lunch, then decided to go to the Goodwill in East Ventura. Walked to Telephone Avenue to get the bus and when it didn't come, walked further. Betty called, saying Pat Hayes had called her to say she, Betty, should read books. I guess Pat thinks that will help Betty's dementia. It won't. However, I said I'd bring some with me when I visit her on Thursday.
I looked at some blouses at Goodwill, but didn't see anything I liked. Bought four glass of the smaller--but not too small--size I like. Went to the bus stop, but saw on my app it wouldn't come for--oh, I don't know--42 minutes or something and I get impatient. Walked to the next stop and repeated the whole thing. The upshot was, I got all the way to the park at Kimball and just walked home. Even for me, it was a fair distance to go all in one trip, a bit more than four miles.
However, it wasn't a problem. Betty called me twice again to tell me about a big traffic jam on the 101. Where? Santa Maria or somewhere, so nowhere near here.
I'll lend Betty my big bio on John Wayne, then look over my other books to see what she'd like. I can't take too many on Thursday, as I'll have a problem lugging them to Santa Barbara.



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