Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Holy Spirit

After breakfast, I got my Holy Spirit 1954 yearbook out. I looked at the posed pictures of ignorant youths (I was 'way out in front when it came to ignorance) and mused about them. What would a stranger say about these people? I wouldn't be surprised if, judging by the pictures, they'd think this or that one was popular, another academically superior, a star athlete, or whatever. They'd almost surely be wrong.
It was interesting to note how many romances continued on to marriage--quite a few, actually, but I guess that's not unusual. And so many deaths! Just the ones I know about total at least fifteen and it was a small class. The only fellow grads I'm still in touch with fairly regularly are Jeanne Dollard and Mary Martin (aside from Betty almost daily, of course). Others--Mary Tate, Dee Lang, and Maria Palmer--I'm Facebook friends with, but they rarely post anything. I used to correspond with Betty Mae McGlynn, too, but she died.
Okay, enough of the past; I'm here and I'm healthy and I intend to stay that way.
Walked down Victoria to Telephone and from there, caught the 11 bus to Bed, Bath & Beyond. Bought a new bathtub mat--that is, an in-the-tub one; it's pretty, with blue "rocks" and I had a 20 percent off coupon, too. Stopped in Target, but didn't see anything I wanted. Bused to the mall, then immediately got the 21 bus home.
Lunched, then took up the hall and bathroom rugs and stuck them in the washer. Took out the mat I have in front of the sink and cleaned it off. Vacuumed the living room and bedroom, then did the floor via the Bona routine, first with the duster Velcro strip, then with the cleaner one. Looks good.
Went over to Von's for lunchmeat chicken and a Modelo in a can for when Olivia and I meet for lunch today. After, I sat down at this laptop and, still musing over the long-ago, found something called "Old Friends," where you put in your high school and year and other grads add their info. I couldn't get the whole thing to come out, but here's how it looks:
TEACHING STAFF (all years)            


   = Send message     = Post remembranceClick on a name to view bio
2 msgs  Lewis Bornmann 
View Bio
    Mary Martin 
View bio
 Rosemary Byrne 
   View Bio
   3 msgs  Betty McGlynn 
View bio
 Elizabeth Callaghan 
View Bio
   2 msgs  John McHale 
View bio
 William Cappuccio 
View Bio
    Maria Palmer 
View bio
1 msg  Barbara Cavalli 
( d. Sep 1, 2013 [unverified]) * 
View Bio
    Dolores Sapp 
View bio
 Eileen Curtin 
View Bio
   1 msg  Harry Singley 
View bio
2 msgs  Donald Devine 
View Bio
    Mark Steelman 
View bio
 Elizabeth Downes 
View Bio
   2 msgs  Mary Tate 
View bio
As I'm sure Pat R. will notice, there are several errors, including her brother, John McHale, being listed as graduating in my class of '54. Also, I never heard of Lewis Bornmann, plus Harry Singley graduated with me from St. James in 1950, never went to Holy Spirit, and died young, years ago. As for Mark Steelman, he wasn't in the class, either.


iloveac said...

I'm not familiar with this site. John McHale is from a different McHale family. My brother was James McHale graduated in '52 and Frank McHale who knew your brother Jim from St. James.

I believe Dee Lang (Sapp) died this past year.

I do remember many of the names. It is sad to realize how many have died...

Mimi said...

Pat I forgot neither of your brothers were named John. Also, I forgot Dee had died--gee, that worries me. This is a pretty poorly-run site, I think, but for three dollars, I guess we can't complain.

iloveac said...

I use typepad for my fee.

Mimi said...

This isn't a blog, though. It's a kind of "get in touch with your old classmates site" I just happened to come across. I'll check and see if your class of '57 is on it.

iloveac said...

I've seen my classmates on I hardly ever check it though.

Mimi said...

Darn, I had forgotten about that one; I'm glad you mentioned it. I may be on it, too--will check.

Mimi said...

Pat, I looked into and yes, I had joined that, I guess. However, it has only St. James on it, plus Holy Spirit Grammar School; it doesn't have Holy Spirit High School listed at all. I'm not sure how to add it and I guess I've just lost interest at this point. The heck with it! (I did, however, get an FB comment from Mary Tate that she saw the listing.)


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...