Monday, July 20, 2020

Gail, Angie Dickinson, And Helen C.

I met Gail at the Hill Street gate at 10:00 and we went off to the park over the foot bridge.. Gail, as I've mentioned before, is tall and thin and tried to slow a bit for me, but I still got a workout. I was glad about that; for one, it's even better exercise than walking at a slower pace and for another, it makes me more aware that I walk faster than a lot of my contemporaries, so should slow down for them.
We had a nice enough time, although Gail's conversation style is sometimes a downer; she tends to look on the dark side of any topic, I'm afraid. I was amused--wryly--when she said she "hopes to see seventy." She's now 69.
Anyway we walked to, then around, the park, totaling about four miles, which pleased me. We discussed what we've been reading and I introduced her to the little lending library, from which she borrowed a book. We ranged over other subjects and at one point, turned to movie stars. She had worked years ago at the LA Library and had "met" Angie Dickinson, who had come in for a book. That was in the pre-computer days, and borrowers had to sign for a book. I asked if she had indicated to Ms. Dickinson that she recognized her and Gail said, no, she thought that would be irritating and offensive. Really? I think most actors love to be recognized--not obtrusively and not while they're eating, maybe, but a quick "you were wonderful in --------" is what they live for.
Her encounter with Mrs. Mulwray lead to Chinatown, which we both love, and I told her I have this book:
She asked if I'd lend it to her was thrilled when I said yes. We got back to my place about 11:30 (she wouldn't come in, but waited at the door while I got the book), and we said goodbye. She said she'd like to meet me here in the middle for lunch one day and I asked her to call me. She also left me some nice plums; a friend of hers has a tree and gave her a lot of them. 
Speaking of lunch in the middle: I got an email back from Jim, saying he'd also like o come back for lunch. I called him later we decided on Wednesday. 
Betty called to repeat just about everything we talked about on Saturday. With some hesitation, I called her former friend, Helen C., who had had no idea of Betty's illness. She was very appreciative that I had gotten in touch and will call Betty in a few days to see if that will improve the relationship. Here's how the truth is skewed: According to Betty, Helen called her and angry words were almost immediately exchanged, then somebody hung up on somebody else. Helen's version is that Betty called her and they talked for almost an hour while Betty described her wedding album pictures. After that, it got a little confused, even in Helen's version. However, I'm hoping that Betty will have forgotten her split with her old friend, but we'll see.
Damn, this dementia thing is enough to make you demented.

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