Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Barely Functioning*

What a lousy morning. As many know at this point, having received a bogus message from me, I've been hacked. I was advised to change my password, did so, and now Comcast Xfinity doesn't recognize me or believe I have an account with them. Therefore, I can't get into my email. I spent hours on the phone with Comcast and failed to get a single human to talk to. My son reminded me that I have some kind of piggy-back arrangement with my former next-door neighbor. I called him on both the numbers I have, but he hasn't gotten back to me yet (but see below). 
This has just thrown me for a loop. Son suggested I activate my gmail address, which I have. I hated to do that, but I did. I'm not even sure if it's okay to write the address here or not, so I won't.
One bright spot was Ellen coming over for lunch. We ate in what's getting to be my regular table, out near the pool. El also gifted me with some wonderful produce from her garden.
Those are brownish tomatoes and purple peppers in the upper basket, cucumbers and cherry tomatoes in the lower--what a bonanza! 
Another reasonably hopeful happening: I got a call from "Jenny" at the Bar Association to say she probably had a person who would consult for the $35 a half hour. Today, I'll get in touch with the rest--but by gmail!--and let them know. I want to meet with them to discuss first--plus they'll chip in with the dough.
Got a call from my high school pal, Jeanne D.P. She's now in Jersey, having come from Florida, and is waiting for one of her grandsons to drive her to Lake George, in New York, where she'll reunion with her--uh, "intimate friend," John.
Dr. Jennings called, I told her about my skin problems, and she'll send a referral for me to see a dermatologist . That's the last thing I'm thinking about now.
I called Pat Rogers and we had a good long talk for more than an hour--it was so much fun to reconnect with her. We do read each other's blog every day, but I like catching up more or less in person, too. We think alike in so many ways; sure, in some, we don't, but it would be a dull world if there were no honest disagreements. Anyway, we're both south Jersey and HSHS girls and that's not going to change.
Betty called four times in between all this. Someone had sent her a list of those she graduated with from Miseracordia and she wanted to read it to me. However, she couldn't find it. Her daughter or the woman who comes in to play games with her must have taken it. Yes, I'm pretty sure that's what happened. 
*It seems to be a given that a clerk or cashier must mouth the meaningless "How are you today?" to all customers and I often answer with the title phrase above. Due to my twisted sense of humor, it amuses me that they almost invariably come back with something like "that's good." Clearly, they don't give a rodent's rear if I'm good, bad, or on the point of death, and why should they? I wish they'd just say "hello" or "Yeats is a better poet than Frost," or whatever.  
Okay, what happened just now (6:30 am): Frank D., my neighbor called. He told me he's the one who had ended my account with Comcast because he got the bogus message. We changed my ID and email address and tried to get me back on. We succeeded--but only as a new account, so all my earlier email are not accessible. Boy, was I disappointed. Frank asked me to drop the account and go to email, which I will. I'll just have to keep trying to get to Comcast Xfinity to try to retrieve my messages of several years.    

1 comment:

Jim Wetzel said...

Do you have a niece, suffering from cancer, with an email address anything like "sarahandrea756@gmail.com?" If not, I believe my stupidity just lost me $600 to your hackers.

And that's on me, by the way. Live and learn.


Busy day. Got my train tickets for Encinitas on line. Finished most of my packing and tidied up a bit. After that, it was a walk to BOA to g...