Monday, July 27, 2020

Wins And Losses

I'm up a little earlier than usual, as I was just awakened by a phone call from Laney AC in Little Egg; it's 5:30 am. (For me, that's no biggie, but for some--you know who you are--it would be greatly annoying.)  The AC guy will be there today, then they'll email me an estimate.
It was a better Sunday than most, early on, that is, maybe because I was proud of myself for relinquishing Facebook. Also, I had planned to do wash, and I did, two of them. In addition, I cut up my nice cabbage (as opposed to a cabbage with attitude?), cored and quartered, two apples and put them in the slow cooker. It was good with my salmon for dinner.
I called my cousin, Marifran (my Cincinnati Sis), and left a message. I plan to call a cousin on the other side, too. (No, not that other side, the maternal side.)
Did two loads of wash, lunched, then walked to Smart 'n' Final for blueberries and so on. Walked part of the way back, then caught a bus.
I did some of what I had planned for the patio. Now that the trim above it painted, I wanted to move all the movables back to where they were. I washed my little pretend girl with Suzanne's hose and put her and her chair back. Replaced the large container of succulents, but after that, decided to skip the rest until today. 
You win a few, you lose a few, I guess, and here are my losses:
--My printer still won't print, although it has plenty of ink. I think the ink nozzle has to be cleaned, but I don't know how to do it.
--I was disappointed in A Beautiful Mind, of which I watched an hour last night. Loved the many scenes on the Princeton U. campus--you just can't come close to that in California--but I thought Russel Crowe's accent was poorly done; John Nash was not just American, but from West Virginian. I didn't expect Crowe to talk corn pone, but the Brit accent sneaked in too often. (Anthony Hopkins does a much better Yank.)*
--I still haven't heard from the Bar Association.
--I lazed around too much in the afternoon yesterday.
--I sat down to order my new filing cabinet from Wayfair and, after searching and searching for the one I wanted, called them. Damn, it's been discontinued!
My wins:
--I found Fracture on-line and sent for it.
--I worked on a little project I have in mind for great-grandson Tristan, who will be 13 next month.
--Ellen's coming today and we'll have lunch together.*
--I'm alive and well, the best win of all.
*El told me that Anthony Hopkins lives in Ojai! Where she does! Where I could run into him, maybe! WOW!


Molloy・モロイ said...

Are you able to see this comment?

Mimi said...



I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...