Thursday, July 09, 2020


As I was having breakfast, Betty called. Told her I'll be up to see her today.
After breakfast, I changed the bed and did a wash. Put it in the dryer, then walked to Smart 'n' Final, getting a total of about three miles in (round trip). I got Tide "pods," ground turkey, turkey breast for sandwiches, and--I hate to admit it!--two more 18-ounce containers of blueberries! Now I have six or seven in the freezer, but I'll eat them eventually. I also bought a number of nice fillets of tilapia. Once I got home, I seasoned them and individually wrapped them for the freezer, keeping one out for dinner.
Ellen called just to say hello and we had an enjoyable  mother/daughter girl-talk.  We ranged over a variety of topics, including mortgage rates, insects in veggies, and the house across from her which is under contract and had been priced at more than seven hundred thou. Incredible.
Sent a message to the Ventnor Historical Society, asking for information on deHilldibranth (I know that's misspelled) Hospital, where I had an emergency appendectomy when I was about 19, so 1955. It was in Ventnor on the beach block, past St. James toward Atlantic City. The doctor and his wife and sisters were parishioners of St. James, as I recall. I wonder if I certain medical professional reading this might remember it...
After lunch, I felt sleepy and actually lay down and dozed for about an hour. When I got up, it was 4:00. I went out, thinking I'd catch a bus to town, but the 10 bus, going the opposite way, came along, and I got on that. It goes to Saticoy in East Ventura and I hadn't been down there for months. I just sat and looked out the window, enjoying the ride, then stayed on until it looped around and got back to my stop. Home and prepped Brussels sprouts and had them, the tilapia, and the last of the mushrooms for din-din. Delish.
Betty called again at 5:00 to tell me about a problem with her i-pad, which Carolyn fixed and also about Bred Pitt. Don't ask.
I'll be off to Santa Barbara in a few hours.
Note to myself: I was worried about what to get granddaughter Violet for her birthday, which is tomorrow (today where she lives in Singapore). Emailed her Dad and he suggested a e-gift card. I did that through Amazon, easily enough. I want to record it here, because her sister Vivian's is on the 29th and I'll give her the same ($50).

1 comment:

iloveac said...

I only heard that such a hospital existed. Why did you not go to ACH for the surgery? Didn't it later become a Diagnostic Center where Bob Datesman worked and met Mookie? Not sure.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...