Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The District Attorney And Jane Austen

Finally, a person from the District Attorney's office, John Howard, called me back. The woman at Housing Rights had told both James and me we should contact that agency's Consumer Mediation Unit. I thought it was odd advice--why would you start out with mediation?
Anyway, I was right. Mr. Howard told me that advice was in error. He advised me to call the Bar Association and ask about a thirty-five dollar attorney (meaning we could consult for an hour for that price). I called and, of course, had to leave a message.
After conveying all this via email to my fellow disgruntled renters here, I walked to the market for  various. On the way back, I deviated from my usual route--I get tired of the same old, same old--and walked back via Hill Street, then over the footbridge. I enjoyed going that way and it may have added a bit to the three-miles trip.
After lunch, I caught a bus for town.  There were lots of happy people eating as before, but nobody called, "Hey, Rosemary, come join us!" I wish.  Went to the library, as I had gotten an overdue message for the DVD The Devil Wore Prada. I had thought it was one of the ones I bought at a thrift store, but it didn't contain a disk, anyway, so I threw the case away. When I pleaded for mercy to the librarian, she told me no worries, they weren't sending overdue notices, anyway.
I stopped in a store and bought these glasses, which I needed like a hole in the...
But I'm a sucker for puns, so shoot me. The first one says, "Everything happens for a Riesling," the other, "If I have another will it be a Zin?"  Deathless phrases.
Home about 6:00 and heated  up leftover stir-fry and veggies for dinner. Instead of watching another dreary episode of Forensic Files, I put in Sense And Sensibility, one of the DVDs I had bought (not borrowed). I watched for my usual hour before bed and oh, what a joy!  I love Jane Austen and love this film. I'm looking forward to seeing more tonight.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...