Sunday, July 05, 2020

Nails D'Elegance And The Mafia

I did something wonderful yesterday...rather, it was done to me: a pedicure! I went over to the nail place near Von's at 10 and, after donning my mask, having my temperature taken, and filling out the rather long waiver, I was rewarded with:

Anyway, it felt good, as I hadn't visited Nails D'Elegance (a rather grandiose name for a fairly modest establishment) since March and my tootsies badly needed the attention. I didn't remember that they don't do credit cards, only cash or checks, so I had to go home (very nearby) and get my checkbook.  I almost never use cash and rarely checks, so I need to remember this.
Dropped the check off, then took my little cart to Von's and got a lot of stuff, including beer in cans (I don't like to bring bottles to the middle area) and a number of other items.
After lunch, I had every intention of walking to the park and leaving off some books I had gotten at the little library, along with some DVDs I disliked (why do I buy these things?). However--and incredibly--I turned on the T.V., for some reason and came upon Biography. on A&E. I used to love this on television (a lot of episodes are now on YouTube) and this was about the New York Mafia crime families, in which I have an interest. Feeling vaguely guilty, I sat down to watch. I hadn't realized it was a two-hour show, but I was absorbed and watched it all. It wasn't over until 5:30, at which point I started for the park. I changed my mind before I even got to the footpath, though, as it was dinner time and most likely deserted. Turned back and went home.
I called Ellen after dinner and we had a good talk. I'll see her tomorrow when she brings--I hope--my new Shark and stays to chat for a bit.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...