Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Full Day And DVDs

Another full day in my busy--but not busy enough--life.
I had to move the movable stuff--pots, potted plants, statuary, and so on--on my patio under the overhang because the painters are here this week. I hope my plants in the ground don't get painted on. They've already painted the other trim and the front door. I'm bemused by the fact the the door was closed at the time, so now the side with the knob on it has a thin strip down it with the old (pale green) paint on it. The new paint is a dark, kind of grayish-brown, so let's hope they remember to come back and ask to have the door open.
I called Dr. Jennings and got an "appointment" (by phone) for next Monday; I want her to refer me to a dermatologist. The skin pop-ups that have developed over the last three months don't hurt or itch, and they're not in very noticeable spots (shoulders), but I guess they should be looked at. I'm pretty sure the other newish skin thing, the rough patch that's on my chest, is related.
Took my cart to the Market for fresh beets and peppers, plus a few other things. Home, I found a nice bag of cherry tomatoes at my door from Suzanne and with my new buys, plus Ellen's largess, and the plums Gail gave me, I'm rollin' in riches.
After lunch, I bused to town. Walked Main (still blocked off, I'm happy to say) and bought three DVDs. I'm much more into this than T.V. and I like being able to pause and watch only so much at a time. HA! I know plenty of people have this new-fangled device that lets you do that, but I'm perfectly happy with my same ol', same ol'.
I watched an hour or so of Premonition, with Sandra Bullock, which is thirteen years old (when you buy your movies at the thrift stores, you don't get up-to-date), but is actually pretty good. It's holding my interest, anyway.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...