Saturday, July 18, 2020


I had the T.O.P.S. group here and it worked out okay. Lolly came a bit early, as I had asked her and the others found the place fine. The regulars, besides Lolly and me, were there: Lennie, Bobbi, Cheryl, and Sharon. Patricia, who had attended a few times, also came.
Lolly, Cheryl, and Sharon found it strenuous to walk the short distance to the complex center (asthma, braces on her legs, and diabetes/extreme obesity), I advised them to come in through the Hill Street gate and they can park closer.  I have a clicker, but I found out from Javier that the gate is open in the morning for the workers from elsewhere.
I was pleased to have lost two pounds from last week, so I'm now at 129.7, back within my "zone." I said we could meet here again next week.
Didn't have breakfast until 9:30 and, after that, I trimmed and washed my carrots and put them in the slow cooker with raspberry vinaigrette. I then took my cart and walked to Telephone Road (1 1/2). While I was still in the complex, I met a young woman named Amanda, who lives in building 15. We fell into conversation and I found she's a teacher; we talked a bit. Outside the gate, I saw Michelle, the loose cannon, coming. I apologized for my rather abrupt reaction to her on Wednesday, but she hadn't even registered my annoyance. Anyway, I filled her in on the latest re "Tenants Together" and darned if she didn't thank me, then say, "keep me informed." It's hopeless, but I'm actually a bit amused.
From Telephone, I got a bus to Office Max, where I bought printer ink and--strange that they had these--Cascade Platinum dishwasher detergent. The last time I ran the dishwasher, it did a terrible job. Guess I should have rinsed with vinegar as I have before, but why should I have to? From there, I walked over to WinCo and got popcorn,* lettuce (green leaf this time), bread, and a few other things, then bused to the transit center, and caught another for home. 
By the time I sat down for lunch, it was three o'clock. Betty called and I had a hard time being patient with her as she prattled on about this and meaningless that. After we said goodbye, I called Carolyn B., my former Happy Hour pal and fellow Soaring Spirits member. I haven't spoken to for two months or more, but nothing has changed with her.  She doesn't go out at all, although she's only 58. She does have diabetes and says she's at high risk, so I guess it's understandable.
I didn't feel like cooking, so walked over to Von's for their roasted chicken. Had that and my carrots for dinner.
Ouch! I got a text from Eileen, my tenant, to tell me the air conditioner is again not working. I just paid $$479,81 three weeks ago to have something put in. Eileen said she'd call the Chilly Willy guy to look at it, then he'll let me know. I was worried it would have to be replaced and I hope this isn't it.
*I foolishly decided to reward myself for my weight loss by having popcorn and Chardonnay during television. I did, but it wasn't nearly as enjoyable as I thought it would be and now I regret it. I had stopped snacking at night last week, which surely led to my two-pound loss and I want to resume that now.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...