Saturday, July 04, 2020

Here And There And Jim

Betty called early, but I was about to meet Cheryl out front for T.O.P.S., so had to cut it short. The meeting didn't last long (weight report below), so I was able to have breakfast by 9:15. After, I did my tomato/onion/garlic/seasonings thing, popped it in the oven and while it cooked, called Betty back. She called several more times yesterday, once to read me the notes her three granddaughters in Chicago sent her. They were very sweet.
I called Ellen and we had a good talk. I told her that the Shark she gave me (which I like a lot) no longer holds a charge, so I want to buy a new one. She said she'd go to Bed, Bath & Beyond or Walmart to buy one, then I can pay her for it. Good, I thought, especially since she said she could go Monday in the late afternoon, then we could sit on my patio and visit.
Later, I looked up Shark prices at B. B. & B. and they are, of course, astronomically expensive. They seem to feature the ones that also mop, which I don't want. I use the Bona system for the hard floors and it works fine. Anyway, Wal-Mart seems to have less expensive ones. I had planned to walk down there  today, anyway, as the buses don't run on the fourth of July, so I'll check them out.
After lunch, I bused to town and just walked a bit down blocked-off Main. Stopped and bought two beer mugs--I had only had a fancy high glass and I like holding the handle of a mug. Called Jim when I got home. Those of his summer classes designed for on-line participation are going well, the others, not so much.
I fear the actual existence of academicians whose discipline is philosophy are a dying breed. Considering the state religion is the worship of mammon--skip Jesus, he's old hat--the idea of studying philosophy to maybe to understand humanness better is laughable.
Anyway, the good news is, I invited Jim to bring his lunch here and "eat in the middle, as I did with Olivia" and he accepted. He teaches Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and El will be here on Monday, so will come on Friday. Hey, that's two lunch dates this week. I think I'll ask Suzanne if we could fill my dance card in for Wednesday.
Weight Report
I forgot about weighing myself unclothed, but with them, it was 131.4 at home, same as last week. At T.O.P.S., I weighed in at 132.5, a gain of .02 or 3.2 ounces from last week...AAGH! I'm recording ounces here, fer cryin' out loud--that's obsessive! Also, I have no idea why the two scales record different weights, this week being .09 and that's even more obsessive. Well, the hell with it for now.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...