Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Minutia and Michelle

After breakfast, I put in a load of wash, then galvanized myself to so some cleaning. Did the tub/shower, toilet, and sink, then a quick dust-and-mop of the kitchen. I decided to skip the throw rugs for now; I just took them outside and shook them out. and laid my tub mat on the patio for a few hours. I'm a great believer in the power of sunlight to kill germs.
Went over to Von's for romaine and non-acetone nail polish remover. No, I'm not going to combine them in a dish; I'm using Miracle Nail and after you put it on (a clear polish), for a week, you take it off with non-acetone remover. After that--well, I haven't read that far yet.
I got a return call from somebody at the Ventura Bar Association. I explained our beef and she said she'd try for an attorney willing to consult for thirty-five a half-hour. As advised, I told her I wanted someone up on real estate/rental issues. Gave her my credit card number, but of course, it won't be charged until we get one. I'm not worried about the money, plus I know my fellow mad-as-hellers will kick in. Emailed them the news.
Started off for the park with the DVD of Salem's Lot, plus a book I just finished. As I was leaving the complex, I ran into Michelle and told her the news about the utilities thing.*) I didn't borrow anything else from the little library this time. While there, I sat on a bench and called my niece, Joan, who lives in Brooklyn. This is the daughter of my late older sister, Gene, and is 65 herself. (If she's 65, what does that make me? Not just older, but old, I guess.) We had a good long talk, then I walked to Victoria, caught the 11 to the transit center, and got the 6 home.
In preparation for an attorney's questions, I organized the information surrounding the utilities dispute and will type it up today. Hope I hear from somebody soon.   
Watched the next part of Sense And Sensibility. Now--darn it--I'm starting to think I must re-read the book.
*Now here's something that pisses me off: Michelle, although she's can't be older than 45 or so, "doesn't use the computer." Or the Internet at all, in fact, aside from her phone. So she asked me to call her with subsequent news about this. I keep the others informed via a single email to all. David and James have pitched in and helped and I've met with Leah and Isaac. I had given Michelle my card and she's never called me with any questions. And she wants me to call her? When I raised my eyebrow about this, she said, "Well, you could text me instead."  Hey, Missy, I'm not your secretary and I'm not getting paid for this. What gets me is she said her husband "is into all that computer stuff." Okay, then she can provide his email address and I'll include it. Otherwise, Michelle can go blow.


iloveac said...

I just love those people who want someone else to do all the work and let them know what's going on.

Mimi said...

I know you've run into this kind of thing, too, Patti. People like that just seem oblivious or whatever.


I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...