Friday, September 21, 2018

Tesla And Toastmasters

Without a car, I slept later than usual, then walked later than usual (about a mile around the neighborhood) and ate breakfast later still--at almost 10. No prob, though; after that, I walked over to Von's for more grapes and for bleach.
Now I know very well that environmentalists frown on bleach, but I also know, considering the Niagara of foul chemicals released by big corporations of all kinds, my little eight ounces is not going to bring civilization to an end.  I separated out my sheets, socks, underwear, and white linens and bleached them. I didn't really expect much of a noticeable difference the first time, but--oh, mama!
They all looked much, much whiter and any slight stains were gone. I was delighted.
After lunch, I hopped on a bus to town, got off at the mission, and walked to the library and back. On my way, I ran into Diane, who said she was glad to see me, as she was going to call me. A woman in her church (not a real church, but Unitarian; an idiotic concept, if you ask me, but nobody has), was recently widowed and Diane asked me to tell her about Soaring Spirits. I'll be glad to, of course.
Home to shower and wash my hair, then Rachel picked me up for Toastmasters Humor & Drama.
Rachel has a brand new Tesla, which is quite a car. She said she was on a waiting list for two years, within which she told the company what model and colors she wanted.  She had to have an electric outlet installed at her home and one charge lasts for 350 miles. The car itself is very sleek and quite comfortable and it was fun to ride in it.
The meeting was fun, too.  I was the warm-up person and my part went over very well. Didn't get home until after 9:00 and called El to tell her I returned the rental. I tried to persuade her to go to Santa Barbara tomorrow, but she just wants to veg out over the weekend and I can understand that, so I'll probably go on the train.

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