Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Moody Monday

Actually, it got better as the day went on. The morning entailed a lot, though--to wit:

I hadn't received the T.O.P.S. monthly magazine for some time--a year, at least--and though I wondered why now and then, I never pursued it. I almost never read magazines; I'm just a book person. And so many of them are either vapid (T.O.P.S. pretty much so, I'm afraid) or adhere to the party line (Time, which Suzanne leaves at my door every week and which I never even open). Others, such as Sunset I receive several times a year--I think it's a quarterly--and have no idea why. For years, I subscribed to Reminiscence, but they've stopped publishing and are now sending Readers' Digest, which strikes me as on a par with Mormon Memories for Morons or something. Yes, I'm a literary snob, so shoot me.

Anyhoo, after that long diversion, I'll get to the point: I first emailed, then called their editorial office in Milwaukee and, after quite some time and several people, I was told that they hadn't received my annual dues of $37.00 since 2020! Wha--?  I looked into my on-line bank account and found that, no, nothing had been paid to them in the last 18 months (which is as far as you can look up past checks on-line). I even dug out my check registers for '21 and '22 and nope, I didn't find any record. Okay, I got back to them and had them charge $75.50 to my credit card ($37 per year, plus a $1.50 charge for using the card. (I want to note here that my new T.O.P.S. member number is 4691156.)

Annoyingly, Primary Medical called re the mysterious "continue sodium citrate" and the issue wasn't resolved. I told them I'd bring the damn directive on which it's written into their office. After I hung up, though, I realized I can just send it electronically and will do. In between the phone calls, I went over to Nails D'Elegance and got a much-needed pedicure. 

In addition: I can't access my new lease. I know I electronically signed it, but I want to re-read. Emailed the office to ask what gives. 

After the snafus above were addressed (or initiated), I had lunch, then took an hour's nap (I always set the phone alarm). After, invigorated, I walked to The Market and Wal-Mart. Got shower caps, eggs, and Valentine cards for the kiddies (okay, one kiddie is over 20, but still....) Bused home and felt much better. 

Got a nice text from Vickie to Suzanne and me, saying how much she values our friendship. We both wrote back, of course.  

Nothing much going on today, but tomorrow I have BCNN in the morning and Dudley House in the evening--a red letter day!

Monday, January 30, 2023

Sunday And The Super Bowl

Still feeling a little down and what didn't help is that it's so cold, mostly in the forties. All right, that can't compare to the cold on the right coast, but still...

However, I perked up some when I turned my attention to Molloy's Irish Creme. I made a batch of it, put it in two glass decanters, and stowed it in the fridge. It will keep for at least a month (probably longer, as the whiskey is a preservative), and I'll have some for guests. 

Did a white wash with sheets and towels, re-made the bed, and--finally--tackled a chore I've been putting off for eons, it seems--i.e., organizing my recipe book:

I have a habit of looking up and printing recipes from the Internet and I had carelessly just stuffed the papers in here and there. Yesterday, I spent almost the whole afternoon examining every one (and there are certainly a hundred or more), categorizing them, discarding the duplicates and ones I know I'll never follow, and using the three-hole punch on those I hadn't bothered to do before. Of course, I don't make things every day that require a recipe, but I like to have them available when I have company or just feel like something special myself.

After that, I did yet another jigsaw, this of two of my dear brothers, Larry--in knickers!--and little Frank--in those socks!

Just as I was making dinner--I modified the salmon recipe above and it was yum--Sharon called. She was released from rehab on Friday and we had a long talk. I tried to encourage her to follow the exercise routine faithfully, but she needs to learn to walk again and that's not going to be easy. 

Robyn, Betty's daughter-in-law, put this on Facebook:
Hey! I made a couple of hats for a Super Bowl commercial and they are in the teaser that just aired during the Eagles/SF game!!! MavenCraft Studios made the beautiful uniforms. #mpc705 #mavencraftstudios
How excited Betty would be if only she could see and grasp this! She was an avid--not to say rabid--football fan--and she would have been thrilled. 😥 (When I saw this yesterday, I thought the Super Bowl was already on; had to look it up to find it's not for another two weeks.)

Just woke up at 4:39, a little too early, but 5:00 is my usual, so I'm okay with it.  

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Fractured Saturday

I got to the 10:00 Fractured Actors meeting and was delighted to see my colleagues; lots of hugs all around. After coffee, doughnuts, and a bit of socializing, Erica Connell, one of the board members (and, incidentally, one of the best actors in the group) gave a presentation on the new things shaping up for the group. It's going to become much more professional, for one thing, and plans are underway to 1.) get outside funding* and 2.) attain non-profit status. There are lots of other things in the works, but this is the only picture I took--Erica* and the final screen.

Anyway, it was enjoyable and bodes well for the future. I wish I had stayed longer to socialize a little more, but Ken offer to drop me off at Market Street and I took him up on it. From there, I bused to the mall and BevMo, where I got a bottle of whiskey, as I want to make more Irish Creme. 

For some reason, I felt a little down when I got home. I sure wasn't going to hang out there, so I packed my lunch, took my cart, and bused to town. Ate at my favorite spot across from the mission and cheered up. It was a nice day--still a little too chilly for my taste, but sunny and without much wind--and I browsed the shops and enjoyed the crowds. Didn't get home until 5:00.

I was delighted when Mike and Paula video-messaged me about 7:30. Paula was making bagels--we're talking making the dough, boiling it, kneading, and several other steps. Their "honey man" was due momentarily to deliver the honey, which he makes in Malaysia. I hadn't been in their present home and I asked Mike to show me around. Is it similar to my little one-bedroom? Not exactly; for openers, it has six full baths and, of course, spectacular views, as it's way up.  Talked to them and Violet and enjoyed it so much.

After that, I called Jim and we had a nice chat. We'll be going to the re-scheduled Dudley House Pot Luck on Wednesday.

* Erica is only in her late forties, but she has severe arthritis, which has crippled both her hands, the right, especially. 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Free Friday

Free of social engagements, that is; I did go to T.O.P.S. Home,  I had stayed the same as last week: 130.6, but at the meeting, I lost nine-tenths of a pound (damn, why couldn't it have been a whole pound?!), so was at 130.7. I was taken aback and secretly glad when our new member, Carol, calmly questioned why our group doesn't concentrate on weight subjects. As it turned out, we then did deviate from the usual, meandering, anything-under-the-sun,-including-Sharon's great-grandchildren, and actually did talk about "weighty" (ha!) subjects. 

Carol also volunteered to do the program next week. I find her interesting, as she had lived in Bangkok; she and her husband were both employed there, but strangely, when I asked if she worked for the (U.S.) government, she said she "wasn't sure." Hmm...I brought a card for Sharon, who was to be released from rehab yesterday and everyone put some cheery words on and signed it. 

Didn't get breakfast until after 10:00, ate, and then resolved not to go out until I got some of the stuff done I've left hanging for too long. That included reading and signing my new lease; selecting the hundred bucks worth of OTC goods I get every three months from Blue Shield; checking my bank accounts to be sure all if up to date; and a few other chores. When I looked at my email, there was something else: A message from my tenant, Susan, agreeing to pay the rent raise I had sent (not as much as the raise in my rent, though) and telling me she and Cliff were going to buy a house in North Carolina (their house in Florida having been destroyed in the hurricane). She asked if I would send a signed letter to the effect that they always paid the rent on time; if possible, by express mail, which she said she'd pay. I immediately wrote the letter and walked to the post office to send; it cost $28.00 and will get there on Monday. I called Susan from there and she was very grateful--gee, I hate to lose them as tenants. Later, I got a text from her that Cliff's brother asked if I would consider selling the house. Now, there's a question I'll ponder.  To be continued...

On a more interesting note, here's my masked magnet lady with curls of clay:


Friday, January 27, 2023

Thursday With Friends

When I'm expecting company, I usually do a lot of prep done the day before. Yesterday, I really hadn't--just lazy, I guess, so I had to hustle. I ran the Shark over the hard floors, but didn't wet mop, dusted the flat surfaces, and otherwise gave the place a "lick and a promise," as the old saying goes.

Ran over to Von's for lunchmeat and lettuce, hard-boiled some eggs, and got the crystal pickles out. Made devilled eggs, set the table, and put the wine and sherry glasses in the fridge. That took me to almost twelve when Diane called to say the Access Van had been early, so she was almost at my place a half-hour early. Good, I told her, I wanted to hear the lowdown on Stella and son before Jim got here. I told  her to just call me when she got to the front entrance. 

She did and I met her out front, then guided her to my place. She presented me with a bottle of Merlot (great; Jim likes red) and I poured her a glass of white. We sat and chatted happily. It seems Stella and son, Joshua, had been the only ones at her presentation--I can't remember what it was about, but something other-worldly--and they had a disagreement going. Stella is not in perfect health, J. is her only child, and lives in Spain. He wants her to move over there and she doesn't want to. Diane was totally on her side and was surprised when I said if I had only one child, and he or she lived far away, yes, I'd move there. Family trumps all in my book and, in fact, that's essentially what I did myself seven years ago. Okay, not to another country, but I would. 

Jim got here at 12:30, we chatted a bit, then sat down to eat. Diane raved about the crystal pickles, so I'll give her the recipe. After, we three read scripts and Diane was so good--animated and expressive, in contrast to Jim, who was his usual bland self. It was fun. Diane got the call that the Access Van would be here in six to twelve minutes and I walked her our. However, it was late and she had to call; I waited with her for about a half hour, then Jim came out--I was sorry I had left him alone, but he was okay with it.

The amaryllis Ellen gave me is now a beautiful, four-blossom plant:

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Walkin' Out Wednesday

At 9:30, I "walked out" with Suzanne to WinCo and stocked up on a lot, especially heavier items. Home about 11:00 and put things away, then bussed to town. It was a little chilly, but sunny, and I got to Dargan's Irish Restaurant early. Just as I sat down--outside on the patio--my brother, Larry, called. He was at the beach (Florida, 80 degrees) and we had a nice chat until Noreen came.

They have traditional Irish food (Irish stew, bangers and mash, and a few others),  but I got the soup and half-sandwich, clam chowder and a Reuben, plus a good Irish ale. Food was delish and Noreen and I sat and talked for a few hours before we parted.

On my way to the bus, I stopped into a thrift store and saw a small shelved cart. Just what I want for the closet, I thought, so I bought it and took it home on the bus. However, when I tried it in the closet, it was a bit too wide, so I rearranged both the hall closet and the bedroom one. I think things are a little more accessible now, but I'd still like shelving.

Called Ellen and she's fully recovered, it seems, having tested negative for days. She goes back to work today. Jim and Diane are coming for lunch today and I'll have to hustle to prepare. It's supposed to be relatively warm, so I decided on turkey or chicken sandwiches, with sides of crystal pickles and devilled eggs, and orange cake for dessert. Diane wants to bring red wine and I have plenty of white and, if anyone wants it, cream sherry for after while we read scripts.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

This-a And That-a On Tuesday

I know one of my worst faults is procrastination.* I have a tendency to put off anything unpleasant or hard to do, sometime indefinitely. Yesterday, I steeled myself and did--or at least, started--three of them. I sent an on-line gift certificate to Violet for Christmas (I had had her email wrong); delved into my OTC account with Blue Shield (long story I'll touch on later); and emailed my tenant to raise their rent. Actually, it wasn't hard and I'm annoyed with myself for being such a slow poke.

I'm still thinking about shelving for my hall closet and thought I might try constructing one myself. I certainly couldn't handle wood, but I was thinking something like a light particle board. Decided to go to Lowe's at the mall and look around.

I did, after lunch. I saw some foam squares, 23" x 23," and it occurred to me they might be perfect. They're rigid, but very light and none of the things I store in that closet are at all heavy. I think the squares could easily be cut to size, either with heavy scissors or a knife. The dilemma now is, what do I use and how do I construct the framework?  I saw some very light balsam (or something) wood strips and maybe they could be used, but how? I'll consult the Great God Internet to try to get a clue.

Called Sharon. She'll be discharged from rehab on Friday and therapists will be coming twice a week to her home to continue her regimen. A hospital bed will also be coming shortly.  At this point, she's lost 58 pounds; let's hope she'll continue the downward trend once she gets home.

Texted Ellen and she feels fine; it seems she's recovered from the COVID, as she's testing negative. Had a long talk with Jim and emailed Diane re lunch at my place tomorrow. Suzanne texted me to ask if I want to go to WinCo this morning at 9:30.  I accepted since I don't meet Noreen for lunch at Dargan's until 12:30.

* Actually, that's probably my only fault. I can always see other's faults--it's easy--but mine? Why, no,  I'm spotless, I guess. 😄 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Monday And Mailings

After breakfast, I made up a batch of crystal pickles; think I'll add another batch and take them as my contribution to the Dudley House covered dish, coming up on February 1. 

I came across this on Facebook and thought of N., my daughter-in-law, not simply because she's a Japanese woman, but because she's so kind and gentle, I can imagine her doing this. I emailed the picture to Patrick and asked him to show her.

Keeping my attention on the Orient, I also wrote Natsue a get-better card and note. In addition, I found the ramekin I've had for fifty or so years; son Mike had mentioned it when he told me of Paula's and Violets's French onion soup. I found a box it would fit in, wrapped it as carefully as I could, adding padding I hope is sufficient, and put in a note. 

Put the package and card, plus lunch in my cart, and walked to the post office. Mailed both--oh, yes, the postage was far more than the ramekin is worth, $28.05, but I don't care, I just hope it gets there in one piece.

I then bused to town. Had my lunch at my usual spot across from the mission, but boy, it was chilly. Luckily, it was also sunny, so I was okay with it. I stopped in a shop and bought a black handback. When I'm dressed up a bit, I don't think my usual flowered one "goes." Lora had admired my other black, which I took on Sunday, so I'll bring it to T.O.P.S. and ask if she wants it. 

Speaking of: Lora emailed me that the five-day Mexico trip is sold out, but she suggested another.  I'm not really so enthusiastic about it, but I'll find out more.

Called Noreen and we made a date for lunch at Dargan's tomorrow. 

Monday, January 23, 2023

Sunday: A Sumptuous Lunch, A Show, And Soup

Followed my usual Sunday routine, the essential parts being coffee and the crossword, of course. Julie and Lora picked me up at 11:30 and off we went to the Conejo Theatre in Thousand Oaks. We had plenty of time for lunch and ate at the Buca Restaurant. It's Italian and a kind of "family style" type, in that your order is big enough for three (or more).  Lora insisted on treating us and, with Julie and my enthusiastic approval, ordered first a salad, then ravioli. Both were huge; not only did we eat our fill, but Lora was able to take home enough for her husband's dinner. She then ordered a hot fudge and brownie sundae that came in a huge--well, here it is with Julie and Lora:

I don't think the picture shows its actual size; it was certainly more than a foot tall and must have contained at least a quart of ice cream, plus brownies, whipped cream and toppings. I love the expressions: Julie looks as if she's gazing at some lovely apparition (or maybe a winning lottery ticket) and Lora seems smug and defiant: (yeah, I ordered it and we're gotta eat it and whattaya gonna do about it?).  We shared, of course, and couldn't even finish it all. Anyway, it was quite a culinary experience. 

We got to the theatre in plenty of time for the 2:00 show and I was surprised to see Shannon taking the tickets. She greeted me with a big hug and I was happy to see her. 
I thought the play itself was pretty dated, but had such fun seeing Jeff, Bryan, and Anthony in it. After, Jeff came out and we also hugged. I'm going to be seeing them next Saturday at a gathering of Fractured Actors--my tribe--called by leaders Jeff and Shannon and that should be fun.

Got home about 5:00 and, as I was passing Vickie's place, she was just driving up. She invited me in--I stayed for only about ten minutes--and we discussed her problems with one of Mary's daughter. I hope that's resolved soon.

Ellen called while I was having dinner and, happy day, she's feeling better, having taken the medicine  prescribed for COVID. She'll be home at least until Wednesday and was making arrangements for a sub. 

Mike send pictures of Paula and Violet making the French onion soup: 
(Wow, Violet is now taller than her Mum.)

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Social Saturday

It was a good day with lots of enjoyable contacts.

For one, it occurred to me that I hadn't spoken to Muckie for a while, so I called her about 10:00 am, my time. Incredibly, we talked for one hour and forty minutes. What about? Well, for one, her radiation cancer treatment, which was grueling, but was over in five days, as opposed to the month or more conventional radiation takes. However, I don't think I could do it, as it involves being immobile, wrapped so the arms are pressed against the sides and--the worst part in my estimation--being entirely encased in a capsule, head to toe, that way for two hours. But Muckie did it--she's my hero, not just for that, but because she knows she won't survive this damn pancreatic cancer, and she's okay with that. I feel easy saying the word "cancer" with her, which I don't always with others who have or had the disease.

We talked a whole bunch about Holy Spirit, too, of course--Teddy Mooney and Al and Janie Moylan and Chas and George Wimberg and Margie and and so many others. Speaking of George, I mentioned that he always comes to our '54 reunions, although he never attended HSHS--went to prep school right from St. James. Muckie assured me that I was entirely wrong: He went for three years and only transferred to Malvern for his senior year. I don't know how I ever misremembered that. I had also forgotten that he and Muckie were an item until some blowup or other. Muck said it was a long story, but she'd tell me next time we talked. I also forgot that Cassie Wayland's surviving sibling is--or was, I'm not sure she's still living--named Alice.. I could swear she used a nickname, but I don't remember what it was. I do remember she lost both her husband her son to testicular cancer--what a horror. 

Anyway, it was so good.   Although Muckie is two years older than I am, she wasn't in my brother, Frank's '52 class, but graduated in '53. It seems she just missed, so was one of the older ones graduating that year. Betty and I were actually the youngest, or two of the  youngest. If we had been born ten days later, we would have started school the following  year.

We also discussed at length our beliefs or lack thereof. She has jettisoned a lot of the crapola we were all fed growing up, but has some idea of a deity. She also--interestingly, I think--considers probable the idea of aliens visiting earth (I think that makes more sense than most of the organized religions). There was a lot more, but we finally wound up and said goodbye. I'm so glad to be her friend now--I wish she and Betty and I could all get together--what a talk fest that would be.

After lunch, I walked to Smart 'n' Final for salmon and vegetables; walked back, too, so got a little more than three miles in. Got a text from Suzanne, asking if I was available for a social session at 4:30 ("and bring your own drink"). Sure, and I went next door. She invited Vickie, too, but she was out somewhere. So I had another good talk with another good friend--not, of course, quite as free-wheeling. 😁

Top it off, I talked with some even closer to me: Mike and Paula video-messaged me and we had such a good conversation. It seems Violet and Paula are going to make French onion soup, which I used to made years ago. Mike remembered the ramekins I used to serve it and I told him I still have one. These most be more than fifty years old and I found the one I have left. What I want to do is send it to Violet--I think they'll all get a kick out of it.

Today, Don't Drink The Water at the Conejo Theatre in Thousand Oaks. Julie, Lora, and I will go to lunch first.   

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Friday With Friends

The first group of friends was at T.O.P.S. Cheryl picked me up at 8:30, bringing her sister, Bonnie, who lives in San Luis Obispo, as a guest. There were six of us, but that didn't include Sharon; presumably, she's still in rehab--I must call her. According to my home scale, I was down a pound (130.6), but at T.O.P.S., was up the same amount a 131.6. No, I don't understand it, but I don't really care. It was an okay meeting--leader Lennie is still in Asia--but I still didn't get home and have breakfast until after 10. Foolishly, I ate my oatmeal and grapefruit--should have just had the latter because it was 11:00 by the time I finished and I had to leave for lunch with my friend, Diane.

Walked to Telephone Road and got the 11 bus to the Urbane Café. Diane was already there and we settled in to lunch and for a long, long talk session. Diane is going to some other-worldly function today with our mutual friend, Stella, whose only child, son Joshua, is visiting from Spain.  She asked if I'd like to go or meet them after for lunch, but I begged off. I'm going to be having lunch with Noreen this coming week and will have Jim over a day, of course, plus I still have to let him know about my birthday lunch (he's taking me). I'll be going to the play tomorrow with Lora and Julie and we'll probably lunch first. Even for me, it just seems a lot. Anyway, talky-talk-talk, and Diane and I didn't say goodbye until 2:30.   

After we did, I walked to WinCo, then The Dollar Tree, then bused to the Transit Center and from there, home after stopping at Von's for paper towels. Shortly after I got home, Ellen called on her way from work to tell me she had tested positive for COVID. She had had it in July, too; I hope this one isn't too bad.

I got an email from Lynne saying the Dudley House covered dish has been rescheduled for February 1. Called Jim and we talked for about 45 minutes. I asked if he was available to 1. finally take me for my birthday lunch on Tuesday; 2. come to lunch here with Diane and me; and 3. go to the covered dish. Yes to the third, dunno to the other two. That's because the plumber is coming to look at his kitchen sink, which seems to have been clogged for some time (plus the garbage disposal doesn't work) and he was told it would be either Tuesday or Thursday. It never seems to occur to Jim that he doesn't have to acquiesce when told it's convenient for the other party to come. Anyway, I asked him to let me know if the deed is done on Tuesday, in which case I'll have him and Diane  in for Thursday.

Jigsaw of the day:


Friday, January 20, 2023

Thursday And Town

Spent a lot of the morning on finances and paperwork; paid bills (electronically) and pulled up the info on my house and its tenants.  About 5 am on Wednesday, I had texted Dianne (she gets up at 4:00) to see what day she was available for lunch--today, so we'll meet at The Urbane Cafe at noon. After lunch, I did yet more jigsaws; see below. One is of my great-nephew, Vic Micalucci, the TV commentator on JAX (Jacksonville) and me when he was here 18 months ago. The other is, of course, Suzanne, when we visited St. John's where she used to work.

I then decided I had to get out, although the weather was iffy--chilly and with wind. Sunshine had been promised and it was there early on, but later, I could see gray clouds above the hills. Okay, if I got wet, I got wet, it wasn't going to kill me. As it turned out, by the time I got to town, it was sunny again. I just strolled around--it was very quiet--stopped at a few shops, but bought only a gift holder for wine (woman to a candle she's lighting: "Somebody else is going to get lit tonight.") Hardy, har, har.

Bused home and cooked up some great shrimp for dinner. Along with spinach and the chicken pasta left over from Tuesday, it was yum.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Wednesday With Women and Howard

I took off for The Market at 10:30; and got lettuce and a few other things there. At Wal-Mart, I bought eggs (six bucks a dozen!) and oatmeal. Bused home and stopped at Von's for spinach and the item I couldn't find at either of the other stores: onions (what, is there and onion flu now?). 

Did some food prep when I got home, combining three pounds of tomatoes and two big onions, adding olive oil, vinegar, and seasonings, and into the oven to roast they went. Also boiled some eggs, as I want to pack lunch and eat outside, if the weather allows. Showered and prepared to go to the BCNN Happy Hour, then got disturbing news from son, Patrick: His wife, N., was hit be a car when she was bicycling. She was taken to the hospital, thoroughly examined, and x-rayed and there's nothing broken, but she's sore and bruised on the left side. Tokyo is very congested, of course, and the driver hadn't come to a full stop, so his insurance will pay for a new bike. As for N.'s care, they have universal health care, so there's no expense there. 

Julie picked me up at 3:30 and we drove to Oxnard, picked up Regina, and went to The Waterview. There were about 20 attendees and it was enjoyable, now that I'm getting to know more members. I had a mushroom bruschetta and a blackberry Margarita. The latter was good, but was served in a jar, not a fluted glass; was rimmed with sugar, not salt; and tasted nothing like a Margarita. 

Got home about 6:30--it was full dark!--and watched a bio about a (now deceased) Hollywood producer named Alan Carr. Happily, I slept well and just got up at 5:30. Couldn't resist jigsawing this hundred-year-old picture of my Aunt Marie's husband, Howard Reifsnyder, on a ship. Second from left, he was so handsome; unfortunately, he died in 1932, of typhoid.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Tolerable Tuesday *

Slept okay, although was wakeful for a time. After breakfast, I dusted and otherwise cleaned up. Set the table with the round, lime-green placements and the sun plates. Just for fun, I put the (cloth, of course, I don't use paper, even for every day) napkins in the fish holders, so it was kind of a nature theme--or something. On the coffee table, I put the paper cocktail napkins that read "Good girls go to heaven/Bad girls go everywhere" that I picked up somewhere or other.

Jim called about 10:00 to react to the jigsaw I did of him and to check that he was coming today. I could have swore I had asked him, but he said I had said I would ask Noreen, but I hadn't made it definite. Hmm...that could be, or one or both of us are losing it. Anyway, we had an interesting conversation about suicide. I think Jim finds it much easier to talk on the phone than face to face. In fact, I'm sure of it. That's okay, I like having him be more open and frank than he generally is in person.  

In any event, it was a nice little luncheon. I served wine and appetizers first, then the pasta/chicken/veggie casserole with sides of just crystal pickles and rolls. The ice cream for dessert went over big, of course, as it always does. (I swear Jim doesn't eat at home; he had two helpings each of the main dish and ice cream.) After, we sat over my Irish cream and read scripts. I doubt if Meryl Streep is quaking in her shoes, but both were okay and they enjoyed it, as I did. Here are Noreen and Jim, after emoting, while we were having our Irish cream:

Noreen left about 3:00, Jim forty-five minutes later. I walked him out to get the mail, glad of the sunshine, but not so glad at the coolness. Luckily, though, the wind had died down. Cleaned up, then lay down for a short nap. It was a good day and I'm looking forward to the rest of the week. 

* Actually, it was considerably more than tolerable, it was very pleasant. I just couldn't think of another "T" word.  😊

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

My Monday

Donning my virtuous little housewife guise, I dry- and wet-mopped the hard floors, vacuumed the soft, and cleaned the bathroom, having washed the throw rugs on Monday. Before that, I made a batch of my signature ice cream, adding chocolate syrup to one half, caramel to the other. I had a terrible time trying to fit the (loaf) pan in the freezer; had to take out a few things, which will have to be in the fridge until I get around to eating them. 

Took my cart and went over to Von's for laundry detergent and, after much travail, a "carbonated mixture"--actually flavored Selzer water. I hate the stuff, but it was free, because I'm such a valued customer, so I took it, thinking Jim or Noreen might want it. Later, I thought I'd walk to The Market, but when I started out, the wind was so fierce, I changed my mind and went back to Von's for laundry detergent.  

Home, I did some other getting-ready-for-company chores. It occurred to me that, as Jim has more or less indicated he enjoyed reading scripts, that maybe Noreen would, too. I looked over the outlander ones (those I hadn't written myself) and decided they were either too complicated, had too many characters, or would have required me to copy a lot. The only one for which I have several copies of scripts is Oscar Wilde's The Importance Of Being Earnest, which first hit theaters in 1895. I'm familiar with it, and in the right hands--right players, that is--it can be fun, but in my living room, with Jim and Noreen? Oh, no, no, no, no.......

So I dug up some of my old plays and chose two comedies, The Potato Family and Tootie Looks at Real Estate, and a drama, Telephone. All went over big in Little Egg Harbor and Big California, so I think it'll be enjoyable for the three of us. 

On the social side, Leslie PMed me that she misses me and so on and I wrote back. I fear she's in some kind of depression; wish she lived closer. Julie called to ask if I want to go to the BCNN Happy Hour tomorrow and hell, yes, I do. She'll pick me up at 3:30. LaVonne called to say she had moved from her daughter's place here in Ventura to Oxnard. We'll get together soon.  

One more: the passport pic I took of Jim last year, and I emailed it to him:

Monday, January 16, 2023

Sunday And Margarita (But Not the Liquid Kind)

Crossword okay, but I didn't get all. I called Noreen to invite her for lunch with Jim and me tomorrow and she accepted with pleasure. 

Left at 10:40 for my 11:30 lunch date with new friend, Margarita. I had planned to take the bus, but decided to walk, instead. I had gone a short way when Ellen called just to chat. We talked for 20 minutes or so, until I actually reached Jasmine Thai; I enjoyed it so much I didn't even register I was walking. El had said they had closed for a time, because of a "family tragedy." However, I waited around until they opened (at 11:30, actually), then said goodbye to Ellen.

Margarita arrived about the same time and we settled down to get to know each other better. Boy, did we---we were there for almost three hours. Margarita is 74 (I thought she was younger), was married twice, no children, first husband abusive, second died 5 years ago, is interested in Unitarianism, had been a hippie in her youth, and has two cats whom she adores. She suggested we might attend the Santa Paula Theatre sometime, as she has season tickets. Sure, I'd love to and we had an enjoyable time. She asked if she could take me home when we finally left, but I preferred to walk--I need to walk--and she didn't press. Luckily, the rain (yes, more rain!) held off until I got home, as I had no rain gear on.

When I got home, it occurred to me I didn't have anything in for lunch company, so I put on my boots, grabbed my umbrella and went over to Von's. Got a family-sized Viola! garlic chicken and heavy cream; I'll make ice cream for dessert. 

Did more jigsaws, including one of grandson Joel, Assumption Church, and the one below from ten years ago: Betty, me, Helen, and Larry at the big December gathering in Florida. Helen's gone, Betty's as good as gone, and that leaves Larry, 90, and yours truly, still alive and, if not kickin', at least our hearts are still tickin.' (Boy, was I tubby!)

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Saturday Sadness For Some

Suzanne and I left at 9:40 for Church of the Assumption through the driving rain. The funeral was at 10:00 and turned out to be quite interesting. There were more there than I had expected, but then, Mary was one of 13 children and had four of her own, plus grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Suzanne had told me she had to leave early, as she was scheduled to do her eucharistic minister rounds. 

Assumption is a beautiful church. The windows, in particular, are striking; I wish I had gotten a picture of them. The altar itself was lovely and I snuck as picture:

Next to the priest is the copper urn holding Mary's ashes and, circled by roses, is a picture of her holding the trophy she won for golf? billiards? tennis? Not sure. Vickie is in right front pew next to the aisle.

Before the mass, there were some primary prayers, songs, ceremonies, family members speaking, the priest orating, and so on. At the mass, he also announced that those who wanted communion could go up, those who simply wanted a blessing could, too, and those not of the faith were included. I was amazed. Did that mean they could receive communion? I have no idea. 

Anyway, Suzanne left and I went with Vickie to what was called "the reception." This was at a large, non-fancy Mexican restaurant and I'd say at least 150 people were there. I decided not to sit with Vickie, as I didn't want her to think she had to take care of the old lady. Instead, I sat with Mary's sister, her husband. their two sons, and their daughter-in-law and enjoyed talking to them. One of the sons, Vincent, is an R.N. in the operating room at Community Memorial. The food--buffet--included chicken and cheese enchiladas, rice and beans, tacos, and Mexican sweetbreads for dessert. I'm not a big fan of Mexican food, but this wasn't spicy, so it was good. 

Got home at 3:00 and it was still pouring, as it had all day. I quickly changed clothes, put on my boots, and went over to Von's for cucumbers (the ones I had had gotten soft) and vinegar. Made crystal pickles, then put dried beans, onions, and broth in the slow cooker; had some for dinner. 

Son Mike PMed me, asking if I was available for a chat. Sure thing and he, Paula, and I talked face to face for almost an hour. I was so pleased that Paula stayed, too; we had a good rapport. After that, I went out in the wet (it had stopped raining--finally--but lots of water, of course) to get the  mail. Luckily, my once-a-week medication came in (I take it on Sunday mornings and just did), so I'm set with that.     

Saturday, January 14, 2023

A Fair Day On Friday

Remarkably, considering how much I threw cushion to the winds at times, I lost both at home and at T.O.P.S.--miniscule amounts, but hey, down is down. At home, it was .04 to 131.6; at T.O.P.S., .02 to 130.7. I was pleased that, at long last, Cheryl came back. She had been a member, but drifted away and I hadn't seen her for more than a year. Also, Bobbi, chemo regime finished, came and that was good. So with the regulars, Lora, Julie, and me, there were five. 

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30--I was starved--and after I ate, I was determined to go to town, although I had been there on Thursday. Packed a lunch, took my cart, and bused there. It was good to be back and the weather wasn't back; it actually got mildly sunny for a bit and I enjoyed where I often lunch if I'm by myself, across from the mission. 

Diane emailed me, asking me about the Kristnamurdi Center. She said she had contacted Stella, to whom I had introduced her years ago, and she's interested, too; they plan to go to the center today. However, I called Ellen and she said the roads may be impassable, also that the terrain may be impossible for Diane. I had forgotten that motor vehicles park below a semi-steep grade, which visitors have to negotiate. Also, it's supposed to rain again today and tomorrow, which will make it more problematic. Ellen advised me to tell Diane not to go over the weekend; also, that Diane can called Michael, the director, and ask his advice, too. I called Diane and, as it turned out, she had already called Michael. I told her what Ellen had said and she was glad to have been alerted.  

On the way home, I stopped at Von's for ten pounds of frozen, uncooked shrimp, which they have on sale periodically. Stowed it in the freezer, jumped in the shower, selected an outfit to wear to the funeral today, then just happily vegged out.

Friday, January 13, 2023

A Fine Time In Town On Thursday

Bussed to town early, which was good, as I had time to stroll into some shops.  Although pretty quiet, it was great to be back. Met Diane at Peirano's at noon, sat on the patio across from the mission and the fountain, and we had a fine time. Our talk ranged over a wide spectrum, including childhood beliefs, spiritualism, "functional medicine," and the Krishnamurti Center. 

I was surprised Diane has never been to the latter, since he was a well-known philosopher throughout the world. I've been to the place he founded (he died some years ago) in the hills above Ojai--very serene, as is the building. There's a school there, too. The director is Michael Krohnen, with whom Greg is friendly; he gave me Krohnen's book The Kitchen Chronicles/1001 Lunches with J. Krishnamurti for Christmas. Diane, being very much into all kinds of off-the-grid esoteric ideas, was fascinated and asked me to ask Greg if he might be interested in going to a seminar at the Center for Spiritual Living on retirement. That's on Tuesday, I have no interest in it, but maybe Greg will. She also asked me to give him an announcement about the "Live to be 120" seminar she's trying to get off the ground. 

We stayed talking and had a fine time for almost three hours, then parted, she to get the Access Van, I to stop in here and there, then bus home. Stopped at Von's for an onion, as I have cucumbers and want to make a batch of crystal pickles. 

T.O.P.S. today and I fear I'm going the wrong way when I comes to weight--"Mimi, you're supposed to be taking it off, not putting it on!" 

Topped off the day by doing a jigsaw of Ellen's kitties in a box. For some reason, the jigsaw wouldn't copy, but here's the original picture:

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Non-Wet Wednesday

Happily, the rain held off, as I  had places to go. The Access Van took me to my 11:00 doctor's appointment and the driver got there in time, but just barely. He was new and pointed out that SO-FI Apartments has no street number on the façade, so he couldn't initially find it.  I'm going to notify management about this. BTW, I was amused that, during the fifteen-minute ride, the driver had on--loudly--what my husband would describe as a "holy roller" or "bible thumping" station. I heard a solemn lecture about scripture, the sins of the world, and the path to righteousness 😇, which I happily stepped off years ago.😈

Even so, all, it seems, is pretty well with my various hormones and workings, according to to the endocrinologist. I bused home, had lunch, then walked to Smart 'n' Final for chicken, cabbage, and other goodies.  As soon as I got in, I oiled and seasoned the chicken and put it in the oven, using the method I found on-line that makes the most tender and delicious chicken (325 for an hour, then 400 for ten or so minutes).  Quartered the red cabbage and put it in the slow cooker. I usually add a cut-up apple, but didn't have any, so tried a combination of burgundy wine, vinegar, and a raspberry walnut vinaigrette. 

Suzanne texted to see if I wanted to go to WinCo this morning, but I'm meeting Diane for lunch in town at noon, plus I'm pretty well stocked up. (Of course--it never fails--I overlooked a few things, but I can  get them at Von's today.) S. then stopped in at my invitation, because I had forgotten to tell her Sharon's news (the 51-pound loss). We firmed up plans for the funeral on Saturday; I'll go with her, but she won't attend the luncheon after, as I will. I want to meet Mary's daughters in a social setting, as I was so impressed with the obituary and the tribute they wrote. 

Ellen called to say that school had, indeed, been closed on Tuesday because of the downpour. She was still driving home (at 5:00 pm) on the 33 and traffic was inching along. The road was backed up because two of the other three roads in Ojai were closed, presumably because of mud slides. Happily, it didn't rain yesterday, in fact, was nice and sunny, although somewhat chilly with a high of only 60.

I emailed Lynn and Sheri, of Dudley House, to explain what happened with Jim and me on Monday.  Just as well we didn't get there, I guess: Lynn wrote that the basement, which is where we meet, had flooded, so presumably, the meeting didn't take place, anyway.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Tuesday And Turkey

Yesterday's entry ran on so long, I'm going to make this just bullet points to chronicle my goings-on:

1. It was again--or still--raining c.s and d.s, and Margarita texted me to suggest we postpone our lunch date. We did, until Sunday, although late, it stopped anyway.

2. Suzanne stopped in about 10:00to see how I survived being cooped up all day; I told her about the business with the covered dish, Jim, and missed connections. She asked if I wanted to play cards later; I said okay.

3. Sharon called from rehab to tell me she has lost fifty-one pounds. She went in last week at 322 and now weighs 271. I reacted with what I know she needed: amazement and great praise. I realize that a lot--probably most--of loss is water, and I hope she'll be able to get serious about her nutrition when she gets out.

4. I called the Access Van to take me to my doctor's appointment today.

5. Suzanne came over at 2:00 to play cards. I told her I know only gin rummy and that's what we played. In truth, I still wonder if she actually enjoys my company or is simply following a charitable agenda. Anyway, it was fun in a mild way. We played for about an hour.

6. As soon as Suzanne left, I got my coat and my cart and walked over to Von's. Bought some so-so frozen dinners, which I like to have on hand if I want something quick. Also bought ground turkey.

7. Home, I made a large pot of my signature turnkey stir-fry. I vary the ingredients often and this time they included sweet pepper strips; mandolined onions which I had in the freezer; mushrooms I halved;  garlic, of course; and, for a change, I added a can of peas. 

8. My cousin, Sally, from San Diego called and we talked for about a half hour. I was actually in Von's at the time, but I didn't care; it was good to hear from her.

9. Had the stir-fry for dinner and it was yum.

10. Best news: Slept soundly and just got  up at 5:30--YAY! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Miserable Monday

Okay, not miserable, but a fiasco. To cut a day-long story short, Jim was to pick me up at 6:00 for the Dudley House pot luck. I stayed in all day, because it rained all day--and this was east coast type rain, heavy and steady. I changed the sheets, did a white wash, and just a few minor chores after that. Showered and washed my hair. Called Jeanne Painter to tell her my brother's place in Cooper City (Florida) is only 58 miles from where she lives in West Palm Beach. We'll try to arrange to meet once I make firmer plans for visiting.  Called Jim at 4:30 just to remind him and he didn't pick up after the recording. I kept calling, the rain kept falling, and I am not going to continue this appalling--AAGH!  

To cut to the chase, after five or so calls to Jim with no answer, I finally called Sherry, then Lynn, the Dudley House movers and shakers, and after conversation, I told them I wasn't going to go. (At this point, I'm not even sure they actually had the gathering; will call Sherry today.) I was uneasy about Jim: Why didn't he pick up? Was he sick? Hurt? In an accident? (A stage of emergency had been declared.) Concerned and deflated, I started looking around to make something for dinner when about 6:10, the doorbell rang. 

Yes, it was Jim, standing at the door soaking wet and bedraggled. It seems he had had his class at 2:00 and had stayed on campus, then came directly here to pick me up. Because he doesn't have a cell phone, I wasn't able to get in touch. Later, he told me that adjunct faculty "weren't allowed" to use the phone at the college. That sounds stupid, but of course, it's assumed they have cell phones.

Anyway, I quickly got my boots and jacket on, repacked the orange cake I was bringing, and followed Jim out into the pouring rain. He had parked at the entrance, of course, and we were both drenched by the time I got in the car. At that point, I suggested what I should have before we left my cozy apartment: The hell with it, I have a pizza in the freezer and red wine in the fridge, so let's we eat here. 

Jim was happy to agree and we went back--this time, we drove to the other gate and my parking spot, so we didn't have that far to walk. We went in, I put the pizza in the oven, poured us each a glass of red, and we chatted on the couch until dinner was done. It was okay and I served the orange cake for dessert. Jim stayed until after 8:00, I cleaned up, watched the penultimate (I think) episode of the Bernie Madoff story, then went beddy-bye. It turned out to be not a bad day, after all.

😢😢  😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 

I did a jigsaw of Betty and me before entering one of the Ventnor baby parades. While I was fitting piece after piece, tears rolled down my cheeks. I cried and cried, about as cheery as we were in the picture. 

I can only speculate why we were so glum. Did Mom (who surely took the picture) admonish us to stand still? Had we been wary of this new adventure, the baby parade? Neither one of us was particularly high-spirited at that age--Betty more fearful than I, but I was hardly intrepid. The names on the doll coaches? Our nicknames when we were babies. The story goes that one of us couldn't pronounce our names, so "Betty" came out something like "Bobby" and "Rosemary" sounded like "Mimi." (Which one of us that was, I don't remember.) Until the day he died (June 2, 1950), my father always called us by those names. Years later, of course, Betty called me "Art," the chronicle of which I've blogged about before. 

Monday, January 09, 2023

Sunday, Sharon, A Social Session, And A Scene

I took an hour nap yesterday, from about 7:00 to 8:00 am; felt livelier after. Had breakfast, did the crossword (annoyingly obscure and I only got about three-quarters of it), then decided to walk to The Market and Wal-Mart. Did so and was glad to find the only barrettes I like at the latter. Just got a few other things, then, having taken one of those tuna salad and crackers from home, ate that for lunch in the park I like on Victoria Avenue.

Bused home and called Sharon, who is starting her second week of rehab. This is not, of course, for any kind of addiction, but is an attempt to remedy her leg infection and other maladies. I'm not optimistic for her; she seems to resist both food restriction and exercise. She's well over 100 pounds overweight and has been for the six years I've known her, although a member of T.O.P.S. But I'll be damned if I'll take a high and mighty, tsk-tsk, it's all your fault attitude. She's trapped, I'm afraid, in her condition, and I'm pretty sure death is the only way she'll escape it. Speaking of death, I made a donation to the Alzheimer's Association in memory of Mary.

Went next door to Suzanne's for our 4:30 "social session" with her and Vickie and we enjoyed getting together. I was amused that Suzanne's brother and SIL had given her two bottles of non-alcoholic wine for Christmas, a red and a white. Unless you read the label--or drink it--you couldn't tell they don't have a kick. Vickie had some, I declined, as I've had virgin wine before and it's vile. Why anyone would drink it or, for that matter, the non-alcoholic beer Suzanne likes is beyond me, but hey, no accounting for taste. As for me, I brought my unapologetic IPA and we had a convivial visit. 

This magnificent picture of the Ventnor boardwalk was on Facebook and I enjoyed making it a jigsaw. (For some reason, I can't copy that configuration.)

Sunday, January 08, 2023

Saturday, The Usual

Good grief, I must be losing it--forgot the weight report on Friday. Home, I was 132, for a loss of 1.2; at T.O.P.S., 130.9, for a loss of 1.4, so I'm going in the right direction, at least. Lora picked me up and only she, Julie, and I came. I asked if they wanted to go to Don't Drink The Water, the Woody Allen play three of my Fractured Actors colleagues are in. Both do, and we all chose to make it a matinee, so we'll decide which day.

Jim came at his usual 12:30 and we did some script reading before lunch. I had high-lighted the male parts in Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest for him and I, naturally, did the female ones. Published in 1895, it's a silly little farce, but was fun to enact. In addition, I chose a kind of spooky one-act play from The Best Plays of 1995 (if that was one of the best, I'd hate to see the worst).

I showed him Mary's obituary, which he read with interest. I suggested he attended the funeral next Saturday, but he declined. That didn't surprise, but did annoy me; I think it would mean something to Vickie if he came, but he seems unable to feel much empathy for others, a result of early trauma, maybe. Anyway, he certainly had no problem accepting the P.F. Chang beef and broccoli dish I served. 

He did say he'd go to the Dudley House covered dish supper with me tomorrow. However, I got an email from Lynn saying that the scheduled speaker, Richard Senate, had come down with an illness--not necessarily COVID, but maybe the flu and has had to cancel. It's iffy whether we'll meet or not. I'm toying with the idea of suggesting we do a kind of participatory variety show.

Suzanne texted Vickie and me, asking if we'd like to have one of our social sessions at 4:30 today. Vickie may or may not be available (Mary's daughter and family are coming in from Ireland, where they live), so we may postpone.

Darn, I seem to have reverted back to a kind of insomnia. I woke up at 3:30 and couldn't get back. It's now 4:13 am (Sunday) and I'm up. I think this is because I haven't been walking as much as is good for me lately. Either I had other commitments or it was raining. Maybe I'll take a nap later.


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...