Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Dr. Ficks, Meryl Streep, And Jeffrey Epstein

As my friend, Patti, does, I sometimes use this blog for medical and other background and experiences; it comes in handy when I want to remember something, so here goes:

I had my virtual visit with Dr. Ficks, the endocrinologist yesterday morning. Infuriatingly, the Zoom part didn't work, nor did the video call on the phone when we tried that. The problems were not on my end, though; I went back in forth with Primary Medical and they admitted they had a technical problem. Anyway, we resorted to simply talking on the phone. I wish we had been able to "meet," but what she told me almost made up for it:

Dr. Ficks marveled at my well-being. She said she had gone over all my tests and so on and I'm "remarkably healthy." She expressed amazement at my well-being, considering my age and my forty-one year history of two packs a day. However, there is evidence of osteoporosis, of which I was already aware. She recommended lab work, then a particular medication, taken once a week for the bone density thing. I asked if I could do that in January and she said absolutely. She sent all this in writing, too, of course.

I spent the rest of the morning in Christmas stuff--decorating and listing what gifts I already have and which I need. It's annoying that I can't find a small gift I had bought sometime ago for my little grandson in Japan. Must have put it away for safe-keeping and we all know where that gets you (no doubt it'll turn up in July). Think I'll just buy another.

After lunch, I bused to town--and did I enjoy it! True, the weather wasn't great--cool and over-cast--but I was elated to be walking down Main again. Went to the library to pick up the Monet bio I had requested, but was dismayed that it was one of those big, heavy art books. I knew I couldn't carry it, so left it and searched the shelves. I wanted to get an actual account of his life, his genius included, of course, but more like a full bio. Settled for an arty, but smaller and easier to handle one. I also requested Perversion of Justice: The Jeffery Epstein Story, by Judi K. Brown, which came out five months ago.  (Anyone who believes Epstein killed himself has to be psychotic.)  Stopped into my usual shops, but didn't buy much; I was just getting back to the feel of it. Home about 5:00.

Finally, the pic of the gathering room kitchen area SO-FI showed up. It's pretty nice:

Made a proper dinner of swordfish, spinach, and baked onions, then watched more of the ho-hum, thirty-year old movie, Defending Your Life. It was notable only for the presence of Streep--second billed after Albert Brooks!--and I guess I'll watch the rest.  

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