Friday, December 31, 2021

Rain, Rug, And The Godfather

It rained, rained, rained all day again! Happily, it's supposed to be dry today--good thing, since I'm going stir crazy cooped up in here.

The guy from Yandoo Communications came about ten and re-connected the Wi-Fi thing. He was a nice young man and I gave him some lemons from Ellen's tree. I trust both the laptop and the new phone will be happy now.  Called Ellen and we chatted; she's working on something for her class, preparing already to go back to work. 

I'm working on some projects myself, including a little rhyme for Joel, my grandson, who turns forty on January 7. As I've remarked in other contexts, I can't believe I'M forty, let alone.... Finally, his gift, which I ordered for him a long tune ago, came, This is it:

It supposed to create the illusion that one is going to be sucked into the vortex. I think he'd get a kick out of it, although when I opened it, it didn't, unfortunately, look quite that dramatic. Got on my rain gear and went over to Von's, then Hallmark for a card. The former was jammed--whether because of approaching New Year's Eve or the rain--dunno.

Spent several hours on anther little rhyme-y project, which will remain under wraps until later. Couldn't think of what to watch, so slipped in The Godfather, parts one. That and part two are still good to see, but part three, as I recall, is a good example of greed conquering art.

Happily, I've been sleeping well lately, although I haven't been getting the exercise I usually do. I think--HOPE!--the rain has stopped and I can get to the market today--running low on staples.

Thursday, December 30, 2021


Not one of my better days. For openers, it rained all day--early, in an annoying drizzle and later, it came down like a bitch. (If I had wanted rain, I would have stayed in Jersey.)

I had problems again with the new phone; called Mike, but he wasn't in and I left a rather frantic message. I then got all my rain gear on and went over to Von's. Ran into Suzanne coming home from San Francisco, where she saw her friend, "Sister B." (for Beatrice).  As I was chatting with her, Mike called back, but I missed it, called him, then PMed him and this went on and on. Later, I got a message that he was driving all day.

Anyway, I talked to Yandoo Communications, then to Ellen and I'm not going to go into all the crappy ins and outs, but the upshot was, El called Yandoo herself. She explained the situation, then sent me an email outlining it, so I can converse with the technician. He or she will be here today between 8 am and noon to re-hook up the Wi-Fi, or whatever.

Kept poor Ell on the phone for long periods while she guided me through some--a very small portion--of the intricacies of the Apple I-11. I'm not sure if I'll ever get comfortable with it, but I'll try. Ellen has been remarkably patient through all this, the dear girl.  I suspect that's because she's used to to dealing with third-graders.

I messaged Wes, who hadn't been feeling well and happily, he wrote back that he was considerably better. I also got a lovely return message from Heidi in response to the PM I sent her. 

To suit my sour mood, I started watching The Godfather; don't gimme one of your cutsey-poo Sound of Music fairy tales, Fredo! 

Wednesday, December 29, 2021


So life is change: I called Carolyn to ask about Wes'es condition. We had a good talk and I learned he doesn't feel terribly ill at this point, but of course, must stay in the Air B&B.  I was startled to learn that his fiancée, Heidi (whom I've met and she's wonderful) took the five--that's FIVE--children back to Chicago twenty-four hours after they had arrived late Monday night. She had not only her own daughter and son, but all three of Wes'es girls--what a trouper!

Then Ellen called early to say she thought she had overreacted about Wes coming down with COVID, so what if we go to the Santa Barbara Apple store after all? Fine by me and she picked me up at 11:00. We got there only to find they didn't have--or were able to do or something--what what's needed.  Anyway, El figured she could do it herself. We stopped to pick up sandwiches at The Savoy, an outrageously overpriced place, typical of pretentious SB and went back to her house.

Greg left shortly to go to work and we had lunch, then El worked for an hour or two setting up my new I-phone, transferring Gmail, photos, and all the other apps and data without which modern life would come to a screeching halt. I was startled to be told the phone cost a thousand bucks. Mike, being with Apple does get a discount, but even so.  My Cricket cost twenty-five bucks. Sure, this is far superior in every way, but still...

Nevertheless, I love the phone. It's so much clearer and brighter and already, I can see how much better it will be, once I'm comfortable with using it.  

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

"Up In The Air" In More Ways Than One

Ellen and I had planned to go to the Apple store in Santa Barbara, but she called at 10:00 to say she had a backache, so had postponed until today. Actually, that suited me better, as it was raining and I didn't feel like going out, anyway. 

Called Jim to see if he was available for lunch--he was and I started looking around to see what I could feed him. I hard-boiled two eggs and got out of the freezer chicken, rolls, and crystal pickles. Served these along with the chocolate-covered nuts I had made and he devoured most of it. Naturally, I also had red wine for him, German beer for me, plus we each had small glasses of port.

After Jim left, I did something truly decadent I haven't done for years: I sat down and turned on the television during the afternoon!  Watched the DVD of one of my favorites movies, an oldie (2010) but goodie, Up In The Air. It has to do with some aspects of human resources (after so many years at Rider, I can relate), plus has a bittersweet love (or lust) story and is just a treat. 

Later in the day came unsettling news: Ellen called to tell me that my nephew, Wes, who's visiting Carolyn from Chicago, has come down with COVID. His fiancée and three daughters are also there and we had hoped to see them before they leave. This puts the kibosh on that, of course, and unfortunately, Mike and family had been with them at Carolyn's on Monday. With El on the phone, I PMed him, now in San Francisco, and we discussed the situation.  We decided not to go the the Apple store until--well, later some time. Mike and family are scheduled to fly back to Singapore on the thirty-first. 

Damn this disease and I'm hoping Carolyn and her family, plus Mike and his family, escape it. 

Monday, December 27, 2021


Ellen and I mostly just lazed around early on after Greg went to work.  Had lunch, then we took a walk around the neighborhood, but boy, it was chilly--51 degrees in both Ojai and Ventura. It was a bright and sunny day, but we could see snow on the high hills in the distance. 

El made an appointment at the Apple place in Santa Barbara for 2:30 today and she'll pick me up at one-ish. I'm going to see some kind of guru who will guide me through the intricacies of the new phone.  Too bad that Mike and family will leave for San Francisco early, so we won't get to see them again while they're here.

Arrived back at my place about 4:30, said goodbye to my dear girl, then spent forty-five or so unpacking and putting away. Jumped in the shower, after which, I had one of my sketchy dinners: baby potatoes, crystal pickles, and iced tea. Did the Sunday crossword, but at six pm, it didn't feel right. (Am I a creature of habit? Bet your booty I am.)

Back in my own bed with my electric blanket (heaven!), I slept well. Happily, I'm able to do the same at Ellen's. 

Sunday, December 26, 2021

The Day

 A wonderful, wonderful Christmas! 

On the left, darling granddaughters, Vivian, 17, and Violet, 13, and beautiful daughter-in-law, Paula. At the top of the table is the hostess, incomparable Ellen, then her fiancé, Greg, who may--or may not--actually be wearing the hint of a smile. Then there's the geeky old lady next to her and the photog, my Mike.

After Ellen had spent hours on the preparation, the Singapore/Santa Barbara contingent got her about 2:00. Lots of talk, laugh, and fun ensued, then Ellen's charcuterie (a pretentious name for appetizers) was put out and all indulged along with drinks of choice (pomegranate Margaritas, wine, soda, tea, hot and iced). 

We then opened gifts and of course, all got a lot of nice things. My present for Mike caused much hilarity: I thought cufflinks was a good idea; after all, he's an executive with a very major corporation and--dress shirts, you know. So I bought some at the Monet experience gift shop.... Good grief, Mimi, he's with Apple, where they wear tees and cut-offs  to the job!  Anyway, we all suggested maybe either he or Mike could buy a shirt the needs cuff links--if they even make them anymore. We later Zoomed with my two other children, in Arizona and Tokyo and that was a treat, of course.  Little Mr. K. showed us some of his train artifacts and also played a piano rendition.  

My children gave me (for my birthday) gift of an Apple phone. Mike intended to set it up with the data on my little Cricket, but since I didn't have the password, El will take me to the Apple store later to do it. I was probably not as grateful as I should have been because I thought I had to pick up a different carrier, which would be three or four times the thirty bucks a month I pay now. No, I was mistaken, so now I'm looking forward to having it.

Mike and family left about 7:00 and it's iffy whether we'll be together again while they're in the U.S. . They're going to San Francisco early tomorrow, but tonight, Wes and his girls are coming from Chicago to Carolyn's, where Mike and his may be seeing them. 

I was invited to Vivian's graduation on May 21 and boy, am I in a quandary about that.  I would love, love, love to be there, but the thought of a 20 hour or so trip across the Pacific is daunting . Will mull it over. It could be moot anyway, as right now, Singapore is not allowing visitors from the U.S. That ban would have to be lifted, of course.

"Linner" was served at 4:00 and it was the traditional tamales. Tamales? Yes, this is southern California and it's traditional here. The mother of Ellen's colleague at school home makes and sells authentic tamales and I can honestly say they were the best I ever tasted. They were individually wrapped in paper, then in the usual corn husk (which, when I first had them several years ago, I thought was supposed to eaten) Ellen had also made guacamole from scratch and that could be added.*

*I occurred to me how much more sense this makes, rather than the elaborate turkey dinners, duplicates of the Thanksgiving meal, I always used to make for Christmas. 

Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Eve

Mike came at 7:30--so good to see him!--and we had a sketchy breakfast of oatmeal. Packed up the presents and so on--an enormous pile--and took off for Ellen's Said hello to her and Greg (he was just leaving for work), dropped some of the gifts and my suitcase off, and drove to Santa Barbara. 

I was just charmed by the house they rented. It's what I think is called a craftsman cottage, built in the twenties, but thoroughly restored inside and out. The owner is a contractor and she had the woodwork--floors, doors, archway surrounds brought back in the original (teak, oak, or something). Happily, she didn't keep the original kitchen two bathrooms: Those are thoroughly in keeping with the style, but of course, all new and up-to-date. It would be just perfect for me and I jokingly said I'd like to buy it. Cost? One point six mil.

Loved seeing my daughter-in-law and darling granddaughters and we had a fine time together. Went to the supermarket for lunch items, talked, laughed, and so on, had lunch, then Ellen got there and after chatting for a bit, Mike took the girls to Carolyn's to see Claire, and we four went to the Santa Barbara cemetery. We all like them and this one's beautiful; it's set on gently rolling hills and overlooks the Pacific. We wandered around reading tombstones' and Paula declared she wanted to be buried there. I reminded them of who soulfully considerate I am, in that I'm already posted, so to speak, on Pat's tombstone--everything there but the date.

We then went to the pier--you can actually park on it--joining the crowds who had the same idea. One of the highpoints of the day was the appearance of an enormous and brilliant rainbow--or rainbows--that persisted for hours. We all took pictures of it and, when I'm able, I'll post some here. Was it a Christmas miracle or an easily explained meteorological phenomenon.  One of the many things for which I'm grateful is that I have a family of--cynics? Or realists? 

Back to the house where we said goodbye (they'll be here today for Christmas), then El and I drove back to her place, had dinner, watched something or other on TV, during which I fell asleep. Soon went to bed and slept like a rock.  Good, good times and Mike and fam will be here today.

Note: On a later entry, I'll put on a few pictures.

Further Note: It's iffy whether I'll be able to make another entry until I get home, which may or may not be tomorrow (Sunday).

Friday, December 24, 2021

Busy On The Eve

Hoo boy, was I busy yesterday. I didn't sit down except for quick meals, all day, until after I got my shower at 7 pm. What was I doing? All the things I should have done before, but didn't get around to. After breakfast, I made the mixed nut clusters. This wasn't quite as messy as the peanut butter cups, but close. I was chagrined to realize the recipe called for two kinds of chocolate--semi-sweet baking chocolate and milk chocolate chips--and I had only gotten the former. Wouldn't you know, it was raining pretty good,  so I put on all my rain gear--yes, boots, raincoat, and umbrella--and walked over to Von's for the stuff.

Cooked that up; it was easy, but took longer than I thought it would. While the nut cluster were setting up in the fridge, I started assembling wrapping paper, Christmas bags, tissue, tape, ribbon, bows, and so on, preparing to wrap. Aside from the gifts I mailed (to Arizona, Jersey and Japan), I hadn't wrapped any and boy, were there a lot. I took time out once the nut clusters were done, to find attractive containers and make some up for Suzanne and Olivia. Presented them to Suzanne immediately and was sorry to hear her two nieces have Covid, so she won't be going to her brother's in San Diego. However, she'll have Vickie and Mary for Christmas dinner, so that's good. 

Speaking of whom, Vickie called to see if she could come over and bring me something. Sure, and that sweet lady gave me a bottle of Pinot Giglio, a good red. She stayed to chat for a half hour and we had a good talk. Olivia called to thank me, then I spent the next several hours wrapping and labeling. 

I took time out to write an email to my cousin (first, once removed), Diana, who had asked about Betty's condition. Gave her the run-down and, somehow, it seemed to help when I contemplated the situation--sort of a catharsis, I guess. Diane is also a twin; she and her brother, Tom, are about in their late sixties.

Called Ellen to hear the finalized plans and, after some confusion, here they are: Mike and family were in San Luis Obispo looking at Cal Poly, and were to get into Santa Barbara late in the afternoon. Later, Mike PMed me to say he'd pick me up this morning at 7:30 and we'd go to El's to get her, then to Santa Barbara to where Mike and family are staying. (I suggested that Mike ask Carolyn, too.) El will drive me back to her place and I'll stay over there on Christmas eve and Christmas night. Mike and family will come there on Christmas, too. Just now (6:30am), Mike PMed me to confirm.

Okay, looks like a plan!

Thursday, December 23, 2021

L.A. With Monet

Slept at Ellen's and she and I left just after 8:00 am for the trip to L.A. Traffic, naturally, was horrendous, but we got there by 10:30. To say it was a terrific experience doesn't even come close to describing it adequately. Here's the web site: 

I have some pictures, but as ever, am having a problem transferring them from my phone. In fact, Ellen has a much better camera and, I'm sure, much better pictures. She also asked a couple to take our pic together and did the same for them, as is common. I'll post some after she sends them to me, but here are a few from my cheapie phone. I wish I had caught more of the koi fish that were swimming around my feet in the first room:

In the next room, the viewer sat on benches or lawn chairs and were surrounded by Monet:

But there was much, much more and it changed. The next rooms included a painting by patron one, I guess you could call it. People were able to select from a number papers with Monet etchings on them nd there were marking pens they could use to fill out themselves. We didn't, but took some home to give Suzanne. 

We were just overwhelmed by the next room: Here, we got head gear for a virtual reality tour, starting with Monet's study, then taking us into several paintings. We then stopped into the gift shop where we both bought a number of Christmas presents, mostly for Mike and family. (Yes, we tend to be last-minute shoppers to a fault.) 

There's just no way to adequately describe this experience, but when we left, I told Ellen this was the best Christmas present I'd gotten since Mike was born (ha!).

Traffic heavy when we drove home, but we expected that. We drove a good half-hour, but were still in L.A. (the place so so incredibly spread out) when we stopped at a Greek restaurant for "linner"--it was after 300, so a kind of combination of--yep.

Got home and said goodbye to dear Ellen. Almost immediately, I texted to Suzanne to see if she was up for a little Happy Hour meeting. Yes, come over and I did, bringing the papers to paint, a rose from the bouquet Olivia had given me, and a glass of cabernet for myself.  Suzanne got herself a (non-alcoholic) beer and we chatted happily for a half hour or so. Jim called to see how I like the Monet experience and we talked. He had also called me Tuesday morning to wish me happy birthday; I was please to hear he'd be with friends on Christmas eve and Christmas day.

Today, I must make the chocolate covered nuts, wrap presents, see if I have to add any, and otherwise get ready for The Day.  I should clean a little, too, but that's last on the agenda. 

Note: Here's one of Betty and me (looking annoyingly tubby) on Tuesday, our eighty-fifth at Villa Alamar:

Wednesday, December 22, 2021


A busy two days and I'm only going to quickly skim through all that went on. It was, incidentally--or maybe not so incidentally--two really good days. But I'm writing this at 7:30 pm on Wednesday night and boy, am I tired. Will add some tomorrow. 

Tuesday, 12/21: Ellen picked me up and we arrived at niece Carolyn's in Santa Barbara about 12:30. Carolyn wasn't there, as she had gone to pick Betty up.  Finn, 20, and Claire, 15, along with Calvin (woof!) until they got in. Betty's DIL, Robyn, arrived shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, Betty's son, Stephen and grandson, Dexter, didn't come--didn't feel well. We had presents, then lunch. Carolyn had bought a big long sandwich (below) and Ellen brought salad and wine. We had those and enjoyed them, then Carolyn brought out the yummy lemon cake, which Claire had made with two candles on it. The song was sung, candles outed, and that was the party. 

Carolyn, Ellen, and I took Betty back to her place, where a little birthday celebration was held--standard there, I think, and probably at every other such facility. 

(Carolyn and Ellen took lots of pictures of Betty and me together, but I'll have to add them later.)

Anyway, now I'm 85. Doesn't feel any different than being 84. 
I got birthday calls from brother Larry, Jim, Vickie, and others, plus lots of birthday wishes posts on Facebook. 
I'll have to finish this later, as it's 7:20 and I'm tired. I'm writing it on the day after our birthday, this is, Wednesday, December 22. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021


Thing are heating up, but I got a lot accomplished yesterday. I finally started sorting through Christmas presents in order to separate out those that had to be immediately wrapped, sent, written, and/or otherwise handled. That included two going to Arizona, plus Betty's gift, and more.

I had wrapped Betty's in a box on Sunday, but now realized I had no box left for the Arizona ones. Realizing I could put Betty's in a pretty gift bag instead, I gritted my teeth and tore off the wrappings. Put in the to-go ones (a matching scarf, gloves, and hat in blue wool and a box of truffles), wrapped the box in Christmas, then brown paper, and it was done. 

I then worked out how to present the two name verse cards for Julie and Jim (ha-they sound like a couple, but they don't even know each other). I have large Christmas tree, wreath, and other holiday stamps (the kind you ink and press on to paper yourself) and used the plain white stock I get from Michael's to stamp them. Added sparkly snowflakes and they came out pretty good, although I'm no artist.

Hightailed it to the P.O., which was, of course, jammed, but I didn't mind. Took about a half-hour, but got the package and cards mailed off and bought some Christmas stamps. Had one of my sketchy lunches when I got home, then tackled making "Reese's"  peanut butter cups. The recipe's pretty simple, but the execution is messy--at least, it was in my hands. You mix peanut butter and powdered sugar and form little, inch-around patties, chill, then covered with melted chocolate. Sounds simple, doesn't it? Well, it's simple, but it also makes a big mix--at least I did. Here are my candies when I first made them--it was very difficult to get the damn chocolate into the muffin cups! 

What's ironic is I never liked Reese's, even when I was a kid. Okay, next I'm makine chocolate-covered mixed nuts, which look easier. 

Stella surprised me by calling to wish me happy birthday; she thought I was still in Jersey. Her son, Joshua, who lives in Spain, was visiting. I'd love to get to meet him sometime--he's a dancer and also a yoga instructor

Olivia came over with a huge bouquet and birthday card and another two avocados. I thanked her, of course, and invited her in, but in truth, I can't use that many avocados (I'll take them to Santa Barbara today) and the bouquet is just another thing I have to deal with. Plus, I was pretty busy, but she didn't stay long. I'll try to remember to leave off some small gift for her, if I get a chance.

Ellen called and we formed up the plans for today. She said Carolyn would try to get Betty in the car (she's had difficulty), so we can celebrate our birthday at her house. El will pick me up at 11:00, then we'll go to Santa Barbara. After, I'll stay overnight at El's and we'll leave for L.A. and the Monet experience at 8:15 am on Wednesday--YAY! 

Eighty-five today and I have all kinds of soulful words of wisdom gleaned from my vast trove of experience and years of introspection and--NOT!  

Monday, December 20, 2021

Julie, Jim, And The Jesuits

Julie picked me up at 10:30 and we went to the farmers market at the Oxnard waterfront. What a neat setting and what a terrific outing. It was cool, but sunny, so comfortable. I bought the biggest cauliflower I'd ever seen and, for my daughter-in-law,  an incense holder, a squared-off brandy bottle, hand-painted with a butterfly motif, which came with 30 incense stalks. I was able to pick my own scents and they included "frankincense," "tangerine," "warm vanilla sugar," and "sex on the beach." (You can be sure I wasn't going to skip that one!) I talked to the woman who owns the stall and had painted the bottles--very interesting.

Home and I had a quick lunch, cut up the cauliflower and put it in the slow cooker, then got my cart and walked to Wal-Mart. I was actually able to find a long cardigan-type sweater, but without buttons, which I think will be good for Betty. I also got the things I need to make peanut butter cups and chocolate-covered nuts. 

Finally finished the Jim rhyme and will try to do the cards for him and Julie today. Must also wrap a final gift and take to P.O. Here's the rhyme:

J esuits invested

I n a pious goal:

M aking little Jimmie

C atholic with a soul;

R egrettfully, the project died

O r maybe it was cursed

W hen Locke and Hobbes and Nietzsche

L aughing, did their worst!

Y our friend, Rosemary


Note: Jim was educated by Jesuits, no longer practices, and teaches philosophy at Ventura College, which, I hope, explains the references. The names mentioned did, of course, belong to well-known philosophers of the past. 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Saturday, Pickles, Jim, And Julie

Jim picked me up at 12:30, then took me to lunch for my birthday. He stopped on the way there to pick up mail at the P.O. I can never understand why he still keeps a box, since he gets mail at home, too. He said he moved around a lot at one time (he taught at several colleges in L.A.), so this insured he got  his mail. But good grief, he's lived in the same place for more than ten years and now teaches only at the college--odd. 

For lunch I chose Brophy Bros. at the harbor, which may or may not have been a good place to go. Being Saturday, shortly before Christmas, and a nice sunny day, the seaport was jammed and so was Brophy's. It would have been a twenty-minute wait to sit in the room overlooking the water, so we opted for an inside table. It was okay, but the place was noisy. We both ordered tuna melts, which came with Cole slaw (the good, made on the premises, kind) and French fries. I could finish only about half; I just can't eat that much at one time--Jim finished every scrap. I had a beer and Jim a sparkling wine. 

We talked, of course, but didn't have our usual rambling discussions; it just wasn't as comfortable as when we lunch at my place. When we left, I asked Jim to drop me at the mall, near where he lives, as I wanted to look for a birthday gift for Betty (we don't exchange for Christmas). I thought she could use a nice warm sweater, but saw absolutely nothing appropriate either at Target or Macy's, so will have to look further.  

Bused home and stopped at Von's to pick up cucumbers and onions. I made a batch and a half of crystal pickles as little gifts for Carolyn and Steve and their families, whom we'll be with on Tuesday. As directions direct, I put them in the freezer and will defrost later and glass containers gussied up with wraps and bows. I have two, but they're small--wonder if I should look for slightly larger ones. 

I'm still struggling with the Jim verse, but hope to finish it soon, then make his and Julie's cards and get  them in the mail. Julie will be picking me up at 10:30 today and we'll go to the farmers market at Channel Islands Harbor. 


Saturday, December 18, 2021


It was a good day, starting off with a misassumption of mine: After two dinner parties in quick succession (and I freely indulged, of course), I was sure I had gained weight. No--at T.O.P.S., I weighed in at 126.7 for a loss of 1.8 and home, the scale went to 125.6 for a whopping three pounds off. I should probably consider the former my actual weight, as my scale has been acting weird lately, but hey, 1.8 isn't too shabby, either.

Got home and accompanied Olivia to the office while she handed in her leaving-the-place letter. Nobody was there but the cute boy secretary, Aidan (it's refreshing to see a guy in that role) and there was little interchange. When we got back, Olivia asked me if I'd like a plant. Well, sure, and she brought down a very large and beautiful jade plant. 

Didn't get breakfast until 11:00, then walked to The Market for paper towels and napkins. After lunch, I bused to town, which was hopping already--on Friday evenings, they have music--and I took the Michael J. Fox book back to the library. I asked whether live presentations were again going on in the gathering room and it seems they are. I've resolved to contact the head librarian after Christmas and make my proposal to present "What Even Happened To The Babies?" which I did in several venues in Jersey.

Stopped in a shop to buy muffin tins (I've decided to make nut peanut butter cups to give for Christmas here and there) and started chatting with a woman doing the same. She's from New Zealand, name is Colleen, and we hit it off together. I gave her my card, asked her to get in touch. For some reason, I just forgot to put her number on my phone, so I hope she contacts me.

Home, I stopped at Vickie's, who had called me. Her friend had been over and had made pasta salad and a hot pasta dish and Vickie insisted to giving me some. Will have it for dinner tonight.

After I ate, I showered and washed my hair, preparing for my birthday lunch today, courtesy of Jim. He called when I had just gotten out and we had a long talk, heavily geared to philosophers, philosophy (especially existentialism, natch), but with a nod toward the high price of stuff at Von's. I'm working on a little name rhyme for him, too.

Called Ellen and we firmed up plans for the coming week: She'll pick me up on our actual birthday, Tuesday, and we'll drive to Santa Barbara to be with Betty and her family. I'll stay over at her place, then go to L.A. on Wednesday for the Monet experience. 

I'm still debating whether to invite Julie, Olivia, and possible Noreen for--yes, a little dinner party. Well, if so, it'll have to be tomorrow; the rest of the time will be all family.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Another Dinner Party

It turned out to be another enjoyable little dinner party. Suzanne, Vickie, and Mary came at 5:00 and we had  appetizers and drinks until the meal was ready about quarter of six. This time, I didn't make everything from scratch, as I usually do. Instead, I bought Birds-Eyes's frozen chicken Florentine, made it up in the afternoon, then revved up a hot (400 degree) oven and re-heated it for the half hour before my guests arrived. Damn, it was delicious, bought or not and everybody loved it. I just added a simple salad, plus  rolls and crystal pickles and that was the meal. For dessert, I again served blueberry slurry and homemade whipped cream (Cool Whip? I'm not a savage!) to bought lemon cake, and it went over big. 

The company stayed until almost eight, and that was fine. Vickie gave Suzanne and me each a package of chocolate truffles--so nice of her, but I wasn't planning on giving her a gift (I already have one for Suzanne). Maybe I'll work something up.  I did give each of them a lemon from Ellen's bounty:

Spent the morning preparing the meal. I decided not to include the butternut squash leftover from my last company and froze it instead for another time. 

Earlier, I had called Olivia to tell her I had forgotten about T.O.P.S. this morning, so couldn't meet her to go to the office until 10:30. I called Sharon, who's our T.O.P.S. sunshine person (yes, it's just like a Brownie Troop; she sends birthday cards to members), to find out Julie's birthday. It's not until October, so I'll take her to lunch then. Julie herself called to say she'll pick me up this morning.

Speaking of Julie, I wrote a little personalized Christmas card for her--just thought she'd get a kick out of it:

J olly Christmas wishes wait

U derneath the tree,

L ots of fun and laughter, too,

I can clearly see;

E ven if you may, perhaps,

C onsidering your past,

O pt to make a getaway

O n something with a mast,

K eep in your heart the season's glow

E verywhere you choose to go.

I don't like the last two lines, so will try to work on those. The mast reference is because she lived on a boat for two years, by herself, before she married. I'm debating with myself whether to have yet another dinner party with Julie and possibly Olivia and--Stella? Gordon? Vera? I have wine, beer, and port left and it might be a good time to use it. I enjoy  it when it happens, but do I really want to all the prep again so soon?  Pondering...

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Wash, Dessert, Olivia, And Lemons

Put in a color wash before breakfast and had it washed, dried, folded, and put away right after I finished my oatmeal. Then walked to Smart 'N' Final and the shop next door for rolls, lemon cake, and believe it or not, port. I've been anxious to have some for a while--it's probably been twenty years--and it just seems like an enjoyable and festive top-off to a meal.

Speaking of which: I'm a little ashamed for not making dessert for tonight from scratch, but I just didn't feel like it. I still have blended blueberries left over, plus another cup of heavy cream to whip, so I'll just duplicate what I served E., G., and J. 

And speaking of them: Greg texted me to say how much he enjoyed the meal and especially, meeting Jim. He mentioned how good the salmon was and I texted him the recipe. Then El called on her way home from work to tell me the same, sans the recipe. Jim called later--a repeat of their sentiments. All that was so good to hear. 

About 4:30, Olivia called to ask if she could stop over. Sure, and she did. She brought her notice of leaving letter she had sent management and showed me their letter in return. She is vacating the apartment on January 21 and, if I'm not away, asked that I go with her when maintenance inspects the apartment; she's convinced they're try to accuse her of damage or something. I was surprised to hear she has never used the dishwasher and suggested she do, at least once, just to be sure it has no problem. (She also said she had never used the oven.) I agreed to go with her Friday morning when she responds to management's subsequent letter. I forgot about T.O.P.S. tomorrow, so will call her and see if we can make it 10:30 or so.  I'm still at a loss to understand what the real facts are here, but I can at least accompany her. She did sit a distance from me on the couch, but I was pleased to see she removed her mask while we talked--I think that means she trusts me.

Here are the beautiful lemons El brought me from her tree; the one outside the basket is a giant! I'll freeze many of them and have them for months.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

"Dinner Is Served."

Rather, it was, last night, and it was a great success. Ellen and Greg, then Jim, got here about 5:15; I first served Margaritas and appetizers while we sat chatting in the living room. Greg and Jim got along well--they're similar types, for one thing, plus were both brought up Catholics. (Of course, all four of us were.)  Greg had been in the seminary for a year, then left and had wanted to major in philosophy, which Jim teaches  at the college here. Hey, they were Plato-ing, Sartre-ing. and Schopenhauer-ing all over the place. The salmon turned out delicious (roasted on a bed of lemon and onion slices, plus fresh dill and basil) and Greg even asked for the recipe. The rest of the meal was mundane, but good: butternut sqaush, roasted potatoes, crystal pickles, and lemon cake. Of course, this was accompanied by cabernet (of course, seafood calls for white, but I don't care).

I was busy preparing for my company early on, then walked to the P.O. to send their Christmas presents to the boys in Bordentown. Stopped at Von's on the way home for the Margaritas.  

I also had a annoying run-in with Chase, my mortgage company. I got a letter saying I had underpaid by almost sixty bucks a month. What? That's ridiculous, as I've had the payment automatically deducted from my bank account and sent for years.  Called and found out escrow was wanting because of a rise in property taxes and/or homeowners insurance. I got it taken care of, but it took a while.

I was a little worried El and Greg wouldn't be able to come because of the weather (light rain, but it throws these Californians into a tizzy), but happily, it cleared up. They stayed until almost 8:00 after a very enjoyable evening. Tomorrow I'm looking forward to my next set of dinner guests, Suzanne, Vickie, and Mary.



Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Busy And The Bus

Fairly busy day. I walked to Telephone, then bused* to WinCo. Got just a few things there, then took the 11 to the mall and Trader Joe's. There I was able to find wild-caught salmon--at a hefty price--but Greg won't eat farm-raised. He doesn't eat sugar or flour, either--thinks they "feed" cancer. I did get a small lemon cake and later, used  the blender to make a kind a blueberry slurry. I'll warm that and we'll put it on the lemon cake; heavy cream, too, and will whip and put that on top. Naturally, Greg doesn't have to eat it--I have grapes, too.

Late again for lunch and didn't eat until after 2:00. I did prepare the butternut squash: removed the seeds and put the halves in the oven. After an hour, they were cooked enough to remove the innards and store in the fridge to heat up for dinner. Can't decide whether to add a salad. I hate to serve dinner without a green veggie of some kind, but I also have potatoes, which I'll wash, quarter, season, and cook in the oven. Maybe I'll just let them languish in bland land.

Got ambitious after dinner and wrapped the boys' gifts to send off to Jersey. I'll walk to the P.O. after breakfast. Jim called and we chatted. He was concerned that there may not be a parking spot at the entrance tonight. I told him to call me when he's about to turn into the complex and I'll open the gate so he can park in my spot. He reminded me he doesn't have a cell phone, only a landline (!). Changed that to say call me when you leave and I'll meet you out there in ten minutes. 

* I love the bus company! Below is the 21, all decked out for Christmas, plus it's free for all during the holiday season. (All of them are free for me all the time, due to age.)

Monday, December 13, 2021


Crossword was enjoyable, as I got all but two before I lost interest. Wrapped the little extra gift for Mr. K.--a miniature three-dollar license plate for his bike that says "Born 2 Ride." Walked to the P.O. to mail it and AAGH--it cost eighteen bucks! However, I thought the hell with it, I know he'll get a kick out of it and so will his Dad, so sent it off.

I had my cart and had intended to walk from there to the Market and to Ralph's, but a bus happened to come along and I took it. Got what I needed and darned if I didn't have to wait more than five minutes for the bus home, either. I considered whether to walk, but the fact is, because of my sleeplessness, I was tired, so got on. 

Had lunch, then went to Von's to get the rest of the ingredients for my little dinner party tomorrow. I'll wait until today or possibly, tomorrow to go to Trader Joe's for the wild-caught salmon. Found a good recipe using fresh dill, basil, plus olive oil, and lemon and red onion slices. I had picked up some English cucumbers at The Market, so made crystal pickles and will serve that, too. I don't know about dessert--I usually make it from scratch, but Greg doesn't eat sugar or flour. I could still make something for the rest of us, but I just bought some ice cream; also have blueberries. I'll think of something.

Sleep note: Wow, I didn't get up until 7:15, very late for me, but that was in response to the fact I had slept so poorly the previous night. I was awakened by Ellen calling on her way to work to say she and Greg may not be able to come for dinner tomorrow, as a big storm is predicted. (We're talking rain here, not snow--not even thunder and lightning. She's become a real Californian, I guess.) Instead of getting all annoyed and upset, I'm going to just accept that it may not happen until later, and let it go at that. 


Sunday, December 12, 2021


Walked to the post office to send off the Mercantile Rental form from Little Egg Township, plus a check for the fifty-buck fee. I was pleased to see that that it's open today from 10 to 2, as I want to send off the little extra gift I got for Mr. K. in Tokyo. When I got home, I found at my door the three imprinted tees I had ordered for the boys in Bordentown. Good, maybe I can send them today, too.

Julie picked me up at 1:30, along with two friends of hers, Pam and Noella, and we went to Oxnard to St. John's Lutheran. We heard the "Gold Coast Singers," which T.O.P.S. leader, Lennie, is in. I was surprised that there were people at tables outside, asking for proof of vaccination and I.D.s. I happened to have mine with me, but I didn't know it was going to be required. They didn't give out programs, but had us scan the code on our phones; worked fine for me, but Pam didn't know how to do it. We were, of course, required to wear masks when we were in the church.

I greatly enjoyed the concert, which was mix of religious and secular songs, mostly, of course, seasonal ones. Lennie had a short solo during "O Holy Night" and did it well. After, she came out to hug and talk. Margaret, a neighbor of Julie's, also sings with the group. She had come to T.O.P.S. meetings a few times, but stopped because at 8:45, it's too early for her (it's annoyingly late for me). She's the one who sang backup for Andrea Bocelli, which just blew me away.

Home about 4:00. After dinner, I texted Vickie and Suzanne, inviting them to dinner on Thursday. Mary is certainly welcome, too, but I left it up to Vickie whether to bring her or not. In response to my text, Suzanne called me--I had forgotten she's still in Idaho at her niece's graduation. Anyway, she'll come and I may or may not invite Julie, too. If not, maybe I'll have her and Olivia on Friday or Saturday. 

Unfortunately, I had a poor sleep. Woke up at 2:30 and haven't slept since then, but did stay in bed. It's now three hours  later and I'm up. This seems to happen when I haven't gotten a good walk in; whether I can--or should--take a nap or not, I haven't decided.  

OKAY, OKAY--I changed my "theme" again. I kinda liked the fact that the pictures I post come out bigger, plus they appear at the beginning of the posts. May keep it, may not. 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Change: My Blog And The Dollar Store

AAGH! I changed the theme of my blog and now I'm not sure I like it, but guess I'll keep it for awhile. Julie picked me up for T.O.P.S. ; weighed in at 128.6 at home, for a gain of 1.2 and 127.0 at T.O.P.S. for a 2.5 gain. I'm perfectly okay with those, since I'm still within my comfort zone of 125 to 130. There were five of us and the meeting ran long, since talk roamed over all kind of non-related topics.

Didn't get breakfast until 10:30. After that, Olivia came over to show me a letter she was writing to SO-FI in which she told them she was hiring an attorney. I got a little more information about her problem, but it's still seems incomprehensible. She also mentioned that she had had brain surgery for a benign tumor a year ago. Hmm... 

After lunch, I bused to town and the library. Took the Monet book back and got Michael J. Fox'es latest No Time Like The Future. I noted they now have a "bookstore" in the library and picked up two Jonathan Kellermans (I can't help myself!) for a buck. When I went to the volunteer at the desk to pay, I discovered it was Lynn Wetzel, coordinator of docents at Dudley House. We had a nice talk and I told her I'd be in touch in January about conducting a tour. Amusingly, she expressed amazement that I was able to get into town from East Ventura. (I wonder sometimes whether people think taking a bus is some kind of wild and dangerous experience, like crossing the Klondike on skis.)

Got home and cut up mushrooms, oiled and seasoned, then popped them in the oven. At that point, my doorbell rang and it was Olivia. She brought me a birthday card, a small pine tree, a poinsettia, and a package of cookies. It was very sweet of her, but much, much too much. I must have her over for dinner one of these days, maybe with Julie and--hmm...Stella? Dunno, as I also want to have Suzanne, Vickie, and Mary before Christmas.   

I forgot to mention the other day, when I picked up a few things at Dollar Tree, I saw several items marked $1.25. I have no problem paying that for a bag of pretzels or whatever else, but this is DOLLAR Tree. For years, ever since the company was founded, every single item they sold cost one dollar. This change seems indicative of an unpleasant reality to me--for those struggling, in particular, of course.

Friday, December 10, 2021

Olivia, Julie, Suzanne, And Others

(Olivia came over in the morning and I put an account of what went on at the end below.)

Julie came at noon and picked me--and my donations--up. We went to The Coalition to drop them off, then to Aloha, where she treated me to my birthday lunch. We then went to her condo and chatted for an hour or so. The condo is very nice--two bedrooms and two baths, with garage and lots of big windows, as well as several patios and grass areas. Boy, I'd buy one in a minute, if I thought selling my house in Jersey would cover it. (It wouldn't by a large margin.)

Julie dropped me off about 4:00, but I'll see her this morning, when she picks me up for T.O.P.S., as well as tomorrow when we go to Lennie's concert.  Ellen called and I invited her and Greg for dinner on Tuesday. After doing a few small chores, I went next door, as I wanted to discuss the Olivia situation with Suzanne. We talked it over for forty-five or so. Called Greg to check for dinner and yes, he'll be here. I think I'll serve salmon and veggies, maybe a salad, too, but very simple and plain food is all he'll eat.

I then called Jim to invite him for Tuesday, too, and was happy he accepted. That damn evaluation is on the day before; at least, he'll have that over with.

Finished the Monet bio and can't wait to see the exhibit in L.A. next week.


And then there's this (the Olivia Saga):

Olivia stopped in about 9:30 to tell me the latest in her sad saga with SO-FI.  She showed me a notice that had been left on her door--in duplicate, for some reason--saying she was supposed to meet with management on Wednesday, but had been "unresponsive." I asked her to go over again the whole problem: She said she had signed a lease and paid for every month, her apartment in August of 2019, but the electric was not in her name, as she hadn't moved in until March of 2021. SO-FI paid the bill, which may or may not have amounted to only $45.00 (although she wasn't there, the refrigerator was running).  This is one of the many parts of the story about which I get confused. Anyway, Olivia keeps saying they won't tell her how much she owes them. They say she hasn't yet put the bill in her name; she said Edison messed it up and/or SO-FI did, and/or...

She said she couldn't decide whether to move out or not and what did I think? I told her I could certainly not advise her on that--what I did advise her to do is to get an attorney. While she was here, she got a call from the secretary, asking her to call him (Aiden) back. She did and said she was going to contact her attorney. Olivia, the community director, then call her and said she had been on the phone with Edison for three hours, trying to straighten things out. Well, there was a lot more, but I'm not going to go into it.

I'm beginning to wonder--and it's distressing--if Olivia does, indeed, have a screw loose. How could this be so complicated? SO-FI must keep track of their financial doings and why can't they just let Olivia know how much she owes and she'll reimburse? More to the point, what possible reason could they have for what Olivia thinks they're doing? Dunno, but I'm glad it isn't my problem.


Thursday, December 09, 2021


I again walked to WinCo and Office Max, and this time deviated first to Barnes & Noble, then to  Michael's, covering about five miles. I was looking for stick-on letters for the pacifist poster I made for my window. Couldn't find them in either store (as with so many things, there's a supply problem), but I got ink and a 2022 calendar. Took the bus home. Didn't get there and have lunch until after 2:00, but that was okay. After, I worked on a pacifist poster, which I put in my window.

Went to get the mail and when I returned, my down-the-building  neighbor, Olivia, walked up and I invited her in; darned if she didn't bring me two more avocados and a package of biscotti. I asked if there was anything new on her problem with SO-FI, but not yet. She stayed about an hour, though, and we had a long talk. I found it surprising that when it comes to both religion and politics, her ideas and beliefs are very close to mine. She's 65, is divorced, has two daughters, both married, but no grandchildren, and is of Mexican descent. That last is why I was surprised at her (not "liberal"; Biden is pretend "liberal," fer cryin' out loud), but with radical ideas. Anyway, it was interesting to say the least. I want to have her over one of these days for lunch or dinner and get to know her better. 

Speaking of youngsters in their sixties, Julie called in some consternation because of the predicted weather today: good grief, it's supposed to RAIN! I just stepped out to get the paper and yes, the sidewalk is wet! Don't know whether to call the police, the National Guard, or city hall...

Okay, I'll stop. I guess she'll call me to discuss whether we should go to take my stuff to Good Will or wait. Had a good vegan dinner of bean stew, carrots, and the last of the yam; slept well, too.

Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Dr. Ficks, Meryl Streep, And Jeffrey Epstein

As my friend, Patti, does, I sometimes use this blog for medical and other background and experiences; it comes in handy when I want to remember something, so here goes:

I had my virtual visit with Dr. Ficks, the endocrinologist yesterday morning. Infuriatingly, the Zoom part didn't work, nor did the video call on the phone when we tried that. The problems were not on my end, though; I went back in forth with Primary Medical and they admitted they had a technical problem. Anyway, we resorted to simply talking on the phone. I wish we had been able to "meet," but what she told me almost made up for it:

Dr. Ficks marveled at my well-being. She said she had gone over all my tests and so on and I'm "remarkably healthy." She expressed amazement at my well-being, considering my age and my forty-one year history of two packs a day. However, there is evidence of osteoporosis, of which I was already aware. She recommended lab work, then a particular medication, taken once a week for the bone density thing. I asked if I could do that in January and she said absolutely. She sent all this in writing, too, of course.

I spent the rest of the morning in Christmas stuff--decorating and listing what gifts I already have and which I need. It's annoying that I can't find a small gift I had bought sometime ago for my little grandson in Japan. Must have put it away for safe-keeping and we all know where that gets you (no doubt it'll turn up in July). Think I'll just buy another.

After lunch, I bused to town--and did I enjoy it! True, the weather wasn't great--cool and over-cast--but I was elated to be walking down Main again. Went to the library to pick up the Monet bio I had requested, but was dismayed that it was one of those big, heavy art books. I knew I couldn't carry it, so left it and searched the shelves. I wanted to get an actual account of his life, his genius included, of course, but more like a full bio. Settled for an arty, but smaller and easier to handle one. I also requested Perversion of Justice: The Jeffery Epstein Story, by Judi K. Brown, which came out five months ago.  (Anyone who believes Epstein killed himself has to be psychotic.)  Stopped into my usual shops, but didn't buy much; I was just getting back to the feel of it. Home about 5:00.

Finally, the pic of the gathering room kitchen area SO-FI showed up. It's pretty nice:

Made a proper dinner of swordfish, spinach, and baked onions, then watched more of the ho-hum, thirty-year old movie, Defending Your Life. It was notable only for the presence of Streep--second billed after Albert Brooks!--and I guess I'll watch the rest.  

Tuesday, December 07, 2021


Something interesting happened yesterday.  I slept well, getting up at 6:00, did my usual morning stuff, including this blog, and was about to get dressed when my neighbor, Olivia, called at 7:30 (she knows I get up early.) She asked if she could come by and ask me something. Sure, come ahead, and she did.

She asked me to go with her to the office so I could witness that she delivered some papers to Bianca, the manager--oops, I forgot, she's "community director" (gawd, give me strength!). She then outlined a long and complicated story about Edison, the electric company and So-Fi, the huge corporation that owns the apartment complex where we live. It seems that Olivia, after her divorce, had rented her apartment, but didn't move in for several months and somehow, So-Fi paid the electric bill. She said she keeps asking them how much she owes, plus got in touch with Edison, but errors were made and so on. The upshot is that she got an eviction notice on Friday. It's just impossible to even attempt to repeat the problem accurately, but I think that's the gist. Anyway, I met her at the office at 8:45 and can indeed state that she gave the secretary (Bianca was busy) a large envelope of papers which, presumably, chronicles the problem. While I waited, I took a few pics of the newly renovated common rooms. I asked if they were available to rent and was told "not yet"--it's been three years! Anyway, it's quite attractive:

But WHY, oh why, can't I get the picture of the kitchen area to come up? I just don't understand it, and it's annoying the hell out of me. Maybe I'll try tomorrow...

After the office visit, I cleaned up a bit, then set off for Office Max and WinCo. Walked down Victoria, but skipped the 11 bus and walked the full distance of four miles. It actually felt good, as I hadn't be out on Sunday. Got printer ink, spinach, yogurt, and other edibles. Bused home.

I then spent several hours continuing the Christmas decoration campaign. Put some in the "donate" pile and kept others. Called Julie and we settled on Thursday for her to take me to the thrift store, then to lunch in Ojai. Called Elder Law about the trust thing and they'll send me more paperwork to complete and return. Called Ellen and we chatted. Called Jim and found that his evaluation, set for yesterday, had been postponed until next Monday because the chairperson was sick. He said he had been called only ten minutes before it was scheduled. He was pretty down about it, thinking it would be over with now, and I don't blame him.  

Monday, December 06, 2021


I got a fair amount done yesterday--some of the things had been hanging on since before I went to Jersey. Prominent among them was sorting out the idiotic amount of Christmas decorations I have and packing them up to donate. That took quite awhile. So did vacuuming and dusting, as well as emptying the vacuum and sweeper; took them and the waste basket on the patio, so did it with no mess.

I acquired a nice tapestry of an angel last year; unfortunately, it has to hang on a rod and 1.) I have no rod and 2.) I have no place to hang it. I decided to see if Suzanne would like it; if not, out it goes with the rest of the donations. Later: Suzanne didn't want it, but it occurred to me it could hang on the rod my Thanksgiving tapestry's on. I put it on the door with a wreath and it doesn't look bad.

Had dinner at Suzanne's. She made a nice soup with lentils ad a rather odd, but okay "salad" consisting of a yam/bean mixture topped with shredded carrots. That's right down my alley and I thought it was good. I had texted her I'd bring my own drink (and glass)--a beer, of course, and she was fine with that. She served a dessert of apples, nuts, grapes, and some kind of creamy something. It was yummy and I had two portions. We talked a lot about our families and also, psychoanalyzed Jim and a man in her "faith group." Guess we both should have gone to shrink school.

Ellen called after I got home and we just chatted a bit. I'm still not exactly sure what will go on with the birthday thing and I don't really care. Mainly, I just want to be with her, Greg, and Mike and his family. I don't give a damn about cake or presents. 

I made a note to myself for today: I must call Julie, Jim, the attorney for the trust thing, and the office to get one of the guys to close my bathroom window. (It's one of those small rectangular ones up high over the shower and I can barely reach it, let along slide it closed. I had opened it last spring and forgot about it until it started to get chilly here.) Also need to get the Monet bio from the library in town, a calendar, printer ink, and nail polish.

Sunday, December 05, 2021


Got a call from Jim in the morning, asking if today (meaning Saturday) was okay for lunch. Sure, I told him, as long as you don't get traumatized by the Christmas stuff all over the place. We chatted a bit and he surprised me by mentioning my birthday (he knew it was on the twenty-first) and saying he's like to take me to lunch. Sounds good and we'll talk about when later because I have a bunch of engagements coming up. He also mentioned he's worried about his evaluation at work which is tomorrow (Monday) and I don't blame him. 

I started going through the Christmas things, wondering all the while what possessed me* to acquire so much. Put some aside to donate and am still trying to decide about the majority of the things. Suzanne texted me, saying she'd like to hear about my trip and see pictures. She invited me to dinner and I'll go this evening.  

Jim came at his usual 12:30 and said several times he had missed me. He's very worried about the evaluation and I don't blame him. I know Academia and I know what the chair and others are trying to make happen. However, we had an enjoyable time. I made both chicken and hard-boiled egg sandwiches, one and a half of each, then said I couldn't eat the second half, so of course, Jim did. He ate most of the nuts, too, but skipped the pretzels. I then offered vanilla yogurt, which he enjoyed a lot. Jim is so thin--I honestly don't think he gets enough calories, so I'm glad to provide a little sustanence.  

*Another of my mother's mots. I assume it's based on theology and means "possessed by the devil" when one does something bizarre or evil. 

Saturday, December 04, 2021


Julie picked me up for my first T.O.P.S. attendance in more than a month. I was pleased to weigh in at 125.4, a loss since the last meeting of 1.9 pounds. It was a pretty enjoyable meeting--only Lennie and Bobbi were there besides the two of us--although as usual, we talked about anything but the reason we meet. 

Leader Lennie sings and Julie and I decided to attend her concert on December 11th. Julie bought out twenty-dollar tickets on the spot and I know it's going to be hard to get her to accept reimbursement, but I'll insist. She also said she wanted to take me to lunch for my birthday (fine by me) and when I mentioned I was going to look over my enormous store of Christmas decorations, she said she'd take me to the thrift store to donate. I want to do that this coming week, so people can buy before Christmas and the charity can make money. Didn't get home and have breakfast until 10:30.  

I did indeed dig out the decorations and it's incredible how many I have. I'm going to go through them and donate all that aren't family ones (actually, I have very few of those). And here it is: the seasonal crapola I managed to accumulate, plus the outfit I wore last year to Ellen's for Christmas. Note the Christmas angel behind the door, too--something I'll definitely keep.

After I finished that chore, I walked to Smart 'n' Final for veggies (a huge yam and a butternut squash) and to Dollar Tree next door for a few items. There and back totaled three miles, a good walk. After lunch, I planned to bus to town just to be there after the long time away. However, when I got to the transit center, which is at Pacific View Mall, I decided to look for a desk calendar, instead. Found one at Target, but decided it was too big. I browsed in a few other stores, but then thought I should measure the size I have, as I want that size. 

Brother Larry called with some questions about the family lore and pictures I had given him when I visited. I was surprised when he said he hadn't known Aunt Marie was married to Howard Reifsnyder. He was her first husband; he died young and she then married Howard Biddle. Anyway, I sent Larry a picture of Howard. He also asked about our grandmother's age when she died. I had thought Mom said her mother was only 45, but the death certificate which I also sent him says she was 53. Hmm...the gravestone says she was 53; sent Larry a pic of that, too. 

Friday, December 03, 2021

Old Haunts, My Hair, And Claude Monet

Back to my old haunts, I walked to The Market for tomatoes, onions, and so on, then to Wal-Mart for the face scrub I like, about two miles. While I was there, Betty's DIL, Robyn, called to ask if I'd get in touch with Carolyn to discuss the upcoming eighty-fifth (see later). One thing I forgot to get was a 2022 calendar; must do that. Bused home and made up my tomato/onion/garlic/seasonings roast, which I'll enjoy today in my salad. 

Before that, I crossed the street to the shopping center and Great Clips. That was a mistake. I think my hair looks like hell and, in fact, I complained so angrily in the shop another stylist tried to remedy it. I guess you could call it so-so, but that's the last time I go to that place.  

Julie called and will pick me up for T.O.P.S. this morning. I messaged (when did that get to be a verb?) Vera to ask if we--that is, Soaring Spirits--were meeting and no, but she suggested I gather some others and we could just go to lunch. Will do.

I suddenly looked at the calendar and realized Mike's birthday is on Sunday. The fact that I was away is no excuse and that threw me into gloom. I ordered something for him from Amazon, but this morning, I got a text that my payment was declined. I video-messaged him, we talked, and he soothed me. Called Ellen to discuss the complicated twin birthday party setup and she told me she was giving me a visit to L.A. to

Wow, wow, wow, and yippee! That will be wonderful! 

Called Carolyn and we had a long talk with much laughter and many tears--we both miss that central figure in our lives so much. Discussed the birthday gatherings. She called back later after she had talked to Steve and Robyn and this is how it tentatively shapes up: We'll do Betty's on either Saturday, the 18th or Tuesday, the 21st (actual day of birth) at Carolyn's in Santa Barbara, which Ellen and I will attend. (Mike and family are going to San Diego first and won't get here until the 22nd.) My side of the family and Carolyn and some of hers will "celebrate" (what's to celebrate?) at Ellen's on the 23rd. After Carolyn discusses the deal with Ellen, I guess it will be firmed up--or maybe not and who cares? I just want to get it over with. 


Thursday, December 02, 2021

Settling Back In

Busy, busy, busy day, but a good one. I unpacked and did no fewer than five loads of wash, stripped and re-made my bed, went through the mountainous pile of mail Suzanne had collected for me, and otherwise occupied myself. Walked over to Von's twice; the first time for tangerines, milk for my oatmeal, and the Ventura Star. Later, I picked up romaine, shrimp, beer, and a few other items. I was so busy, I actually forgot to have lunch. (Never thought I's see the day I'd forget a meal!)

Had a hassle with that newspaper from hell, the Ventura County Star. I had discontinued delivery while I was away and now called to have it restarted after the month's hiatus. Damn, I got the most infuriating runaround from two different "representatives." I pay $42.29 per month for that rag, but was now told the charge would be $29.01 and that I have a credit of $69.86. Why and how all this works is beyond me. However, I looked at my bank account and saw I am again being charged $42.29. Will call them back today.

Ellen called on her way home from work and we had a nice chat. I hope I can get to see her over the weekend. Had fresh shrimp (well, frozen, but uncooked--the ones you buy already cooked are a curse on mankind) carrots and carrots for dinner. I plan to walk to The Market and Wal-Mart for other provisions this morning. 

Called Jim last night and we talked for fifteen or so. He said had missed me several times and I was pleased that he was able to do so without getting tied into knots--nor, for that matter, putting a romance context on it. He's in the throes of finals for the semester, so I asked him to let me know when he's available for lunch.

Slept soundly all night, which feels so goodHowever, since I couldn't keep my eyes open, I went to bed at 8:30 and got up much too early at 5:15. I'll try to modify that at least to 9:00 and get up no earlier than 6:00 or, preferably, 6:30. 

Wednesday, December 01, 2021


 Incredibly enough, I survived the flight yesterday. Of course, American Airlines wasn't abut to let me off with a smooth and hassle-free trip. On my way to Philly Airport, I got a text informing me that my flight, scheduled to depart at 4:30 was postponed and now take off was at 6:00. That meant it would get into LAX at 9:00 California time; I was to get the scheduled Airporter at 9:30. But what with waiting to get off the plan, retrieving my checked bag, and so on, I would almost certainly be too late. So just take the next one? There was no next one--that that night, anyway, and not until 7:00 am the next morning.

After another hour or so of mulling over the situation, I got a text telling me departure time had now been changed to 7:47 and would get to LAX at 10:47.  I considered a hotel overnight and even staying in the airport all that time, but finally decided to ask if my friend, Vickie, who was originally to pick me up in Ventura where the Airporter dropped me us. I offered her a certain sum which initially, she refused to take. Finally, I persuaded her and--long story short, she picked me up, we got in about 1:15 am, and here I am.

Made coffee for the morning, fell into bed, and had a deep, deep, glorious sleep. Awoke at 8:30, had my coffee, walked over to Vons for the paper, tangerines, and milk for my oatmeal, had breakfast, and have spent the rest of the time (it's now 12:11 pm washing, drying, and putting away.

It was a wonderful, wonderful month, but it's also lovely to be home. 😘  


Suzanne called to say she had been at some affair (church service?) with Lora's brother-in-law, Reuban, and he told her of Seth's de...