Friday, January 17, 2020


I didn't get up until 7:00,  having been been out late the night before. Suzanne came over while I was still in my jammies (as my dear friend, Elaine, used to call them) to ask if I wanted to go with her to WinCo tomorrow (Saturday). Yes, indeed, and I''ll stock up on heavier things then.
Getting ready for my luncheon guests, I set the table, put the Chardonnay in the fridge, and gave the apartment a quick once over. Made the salad and put together the blueberry buckle,* which is incredibly easy and so good. It occurred to me it would be even better with something added, so after I put the lasagna in the oven, I ran over to Von's for vanilla ice cream.
My little luncheon turned out very nice. The weather--rain, rain, oh, my god, it's going to rain, we're doomed!--held off and, in fact, it sprinkled just a bit and then, not until evening.
Nancy came first, then Gail, and we sat down to chat in the living room with wine (Nancy, her usual Chardonnay, I, Chianti, Gail, only water) and got to know each other. I then served for lunch the lasagna (good as ever), a green salad, and the rest of the pasta I had made for the potluck. The blueberry buckle, which I served warm and with the ice cream, went over big and both Nancy and Gail asked for the recipe.
After we ate, we talked politics for a time. Neither Nancy nor Gail are on my wave length, dyed in the wool cynic that I am, but are intelligent and knowledgeable, and it was good to talk with them. They stayed for quite a while, which pleased me, as I think they enjoyed themselves. Gail left about quarter of four, and Nancy soon after.
My somewhat compulsive neatness kicking in, I cleared the table, put the leftovers away, filled the dishwasher, and otherwise tidied up immediately. I then lay down and took a nap, actually sleeping for two hours or so.
So, it was a good day and I enjoyed it as much as my guests did.
*Blueberry Buckle 
One stick butter, melted
One cup each of 
   self-rising flour
Two cups blueberries, peaches, or other fruit
Mix the first four together together--lumps are fine--and pour into a baking dish
Put on top two cups blueberries, peaches, or other fruit (resist the temptation to mix in);
Bake at 375 for 30 to 40 minutes until brown and bubbly
Serve warm. (Delicious with ice cream on top). 

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