Monday, August 07, 2017


An interesting, diverse day. I walked Kimball, did the Sunday thing, then jumped in the shower and dressed to go to the Wicked's Brew. Got there about 11:45 and T.J. was up on a kind of cage/stage playing and singing. I had had breakfast and it was too early for lunch, so I just ordered a mimosa. It came in a tiny glass and was surely 90 percent orange juice, but oh, well. Shortly, a lone person walked in and sat near me. I heard him tell the hostess he was a friend of T.J.'s, name of Chuck, so I introduced myself and we had a good chat. Chuck is also a member of Songmakers, which I surmised is a kind of loose group of players and singers that maybe help each other out with gigs. After about 45 minutes, T.J. took a break and came down to talk to us; he appreciated the fact that I came.
I left shortly after, as I was to be at Dudley House at 1:00 and almost walked out without paying the bill. I probably should have, as I was shocked to see they charged $8.62 for a mediocre and tiny drink. Like a jerk, I added two bucks for the tip--well, it wasn't the waitresses fault--geez, I could have gotten a whole breakfast for that.
Got to Dudley House and Lynn, coordinator of docents, soon appeared with Cherie, president of the Ventura Heritage Society. I was asked to look over some costume pieces in the basement. I did, and selected a blouse, hat, and shawl I think will fit; I'll augment it with a long black skirt, or whatever. I joined Cherie's tour and accompanied a family. Cherie is very good and I loved it myself. Lynn then asked if I'd stay for her tour, so I did. Lynn is not as good a speaker, but was okay. After I completed hers, I said goodbye and promised to be in touch.
Changed and had lunch; by then, it was almost 3:00. Drove to town, parked at the library, and did a reverse walk. Walking back, I noticed that the meeting room at the library had a "Hiroshima Holocaust" talk. Impulsively, I walked in, just in time to hear a councilwoman or somebody talk about undocumented immigrants. I asked a woman if this was about the atomic bombs dropped on Japan and she said yes, but it's a peace group. In truth, it's the same group whose members seem to have a blind spot when it comes to American aggression. I expressed that to this woman--Cindy, but she's surely in her seventies--and she said she'd like to call me. I like you to, I said, and gave her my card. I hope she does, it would be nice to get to know somebody who doesn't think television news is unbiased information.
Anyhoo--stopped for blueberries at WinCo before I got home; had swai and acorn squash for dinner after a good, active day.

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