Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Just had a horrible experience: My computer went down! Long story I won't go into, but there was a connection prob, surely because I shoved the wastebasket under the desk and disconnection, etc., etc., etc. Tried and tried, gnashed my teeth, it wouldn't work, now it does and I don't know why, but no matter.
Ran a slew of errands yesterday, after cutting up cabbage and apples to go in one crock pot, and turnips and green peppers in the other. Both were yummy.
Was thrilled and delighted that P. got my reservations in the hotel near them--was worried it would be filled.
Am picking Marge up to take her to the hospital to see Fred, who's in for heart surgery.
Must go, need breakfast.


iloveac said...

Hey Rosemary, you might wanna get one of them thar iPads ....no connections to worry about ...and you can do sooo much with them.

Mimi said...

Hmm...that's a thought. However, considering the kind of money I'm spending to go to Asia, think I'll pass. Thanks for the suggestion, though.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...