Friday, December 17, 2010

So sick. It seems to be a gall bladder attack, which I haven't had for at least fifteen years, but I foolishly ate cashew nuts and peanuts on Wednesday. Went to the doctor; she concurs with my diagnoses. Passed a terrible night; took Percoset, which helps for only about two hours and you can't take it more often than four. Better than it was, but still bad. Hurts so much; going back to bed.


iloveac said...

Oh Rosemary,
Am so sorry you are experiencing this. When it subsides....I highly recommend the lap chole....overnight stay in hospital and up and about in no time flat. I had mine done that way in '98.

Jim Wetzel said...

Here's hoping for a better report from you very soon!

Lynne C said...

Get it out! You will be so glad when you do. Don't need this type of pain recurring. Hope you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

ATTENTION - If you are a regular reader of this blog, here is an update: Rosemary was admitted to hospital and will have her gall bladder taken out on Sunday. She has gallstones and bad infection but that aside, all seems OK. She is resigned to the fact it is best to do it now despite the unfortunate timing around the holidays. We are hoping she will be hope in a few days at the latest.

iloveac said...

Thank you for posting this. I was about to email her twin. Tell her Happy Birthday on the 21st. Keeping her in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Very wise to have this done before her big upcoming trip. Thanks again for posting.

Anonymous said...

Update: Rosemary's surgery to remove the gall bladder is over now and she is resting comfortably.

iloveac said...

Great news. Thank you again. Now, for a speedy recovery.

Mimi said...

Monday night update: I'm home amd awaiting Alison and Ellen back from the airport in a hour or so. Thanks to all. Surgeon said it was the longest gall bladder he had ever seen. Makes me feel so special.

iloveac said...

Thank God you are home. Am assuming it was via the laparoscope....recovery should go well now. It must have been a horrible ordeal for you. A long gb...all the more room for mucho stones...good riddance. Get well fast, and have a happy birthday minus one gallbladder.


 What?? Who?? Okay, Jose and Panther were on the 10-16 bus I took to Ellen's. They got off at the transit center, though, because Jose i...