Wednesday, February 21, 2024


Pretty busy, but interesting, day. I met my new friend, Susan, with her six-month-old granddaughter, at 10:15 at Starbucks. Wouldn't you know, I was halfway there (it's in the Von't shopping center across the street, but on the other side, so I have traverse the complex) and I was halfway there when it started to rain. Naturally, I hadn't brought an umbrella, so got wet, but at least it wasn't cold. 

At first, I thought Susan was a kooky type, but once we started talking, I liked her. She started a non-fiction book club where she lives in  L.A. and the topics are not kindergarten level. She and her group  read and discuss studies on climate change--the serious kind, i.e., how it happens, not the use-your-toilet-paper-twice crapola--as well as finance; the political leanings of various historical figures, and so on. She told me about the difficult time her daughter had in giving birth to the baby, Eliot (but it's a girl) and other family matters. I asked if she was religious and was charmed by her answer: "Oh, I take a little of this and a little of that--Buddhism, Christianity, Astrology--you name it." We talked for about a half hour, then baby got restless and we said goodbye. She won't be back for several weeks, she'll get in touch, and we'll arrange to meet for dinner.

Other than that, I did more cleaning up and clearing out. I hope to get to the GoodWill today, also to get my skirt hemmed and a few other items done. Decided to cancel Amazon Prime, which is now $140.00 annually and so far, my orders don't even total that much a year. That could change, of course, in which case, I'll re-up.   

I was puzzled when I got at my door a Boka Power Brush (toothbrush). I didn't remember ordering it and really don't need it. Called the company and found that my new dentist, Zak, had sent it, I guess as a kind of welcoming gift--another benefit of SCAN supplemental. 

Stella called to remind me about the benefit lunch for the homeless on Saturday and I said I'd go. Contacted Diane to ask her, but she declined, as it's at the U.U. (Unitarian Universalist Church) which she used to attend, but left after some kind of dispute. We'll meet for lunch another day soon.  

Julie called to say she wasn't going to the BCNN Happy Hour today. She's taking Lora to a talk by an autism expert, as Lora's son seems to have that problem (and that's the least of them). She asked if I wanted to go, but I have plans. Also, Julie has been having visits from this guy:

It seems he comes to her doorstep most days and lets her pet him. She was worried he'd be set upon by dogs or whatever, so got him into her cat cage and took him to a pet shelter. Why "Bagel Bunny"? Because she's been putting out what she called "a buffet" for him and he skipped the veggies to eat parts of a bagel. 

A bump on the road to hearing aids: Finally--what I should have done in the first place--I called SCAN to see if they cover some of the cost. They do, but not at Costco. They do with HEARX, which is where I went several months ago, was tested, gasped at the cost, and turned to Costco. Now I have an appointment next week at HEARX and we'll see what happens from there. I'm going to call Costco and see if I can get the membership fee back, as I doubt if I'll use it for much else.

Damn, I was afraid of this: I was all happy about my good sleeping lately and last night, it ended. Awoke at midnight for the usual, then t-ed and t-ed before finally getting a few hours, but awoke again at 4:00. This is a direct result, I'm sure, of not getting my few miles in and I probably won't today. Will try to fit in a nap. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adorable Bagel Bunny. BTW, Maybe you can find one of those little fold up umbrellas to have with you just in case. Hearing aids…I know I’m missing consonants but still in denial….it’ll happen one day I’ll take the plunge.


Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...