Friday, February 02, 2024


 Another day spent inside! It rained a fair amount--tapered off about noon, but it was wet and chilly, so I didn't want to head out. Besides, I had plenty to do, what with yet more paper/Internet work, phone calls, and catching up on various other chores. One of them was responding to a letter from CVS Caremark that a certain prescription wasn't eligible to be refilled. What fresh Hell was this?*  It advised me to call SCAN; did so, and found out SCAN has Express Script, not CVS. No prob, I just haven't bothered to read the SCAN info. 

It took an age for me to find a good recipe for cabbage fritters, finally did and, after modifying the recipe a bit, completed it. They're not the prettiest thing in the world, but they taste yum:

Technically, I guess they're hor d'oeuvres, but I want to eat them as simply a vegetable dish, so I'll dress them with tartar sauce. I used a whole (large) head of cabbage, so it made planty and I stowed the rest in the freezer for later: 
Lorraine called to ask me what character I played in Steel Magnolias. She had just come across my card, which I gave her when I first met her several years ago. She loves the movie--has seen it five times--and wanted to know all about the LETO production. It was fun reliving that time. And here we are, the cast of Steel Magnolias sixteen years ago. Yours truly, aka Claree, second from left:

Damn, my printer isn't printing and I can't understand why. When I try to print from the screen, it makes a noise and the paper is taken in and goes out as usual, but there's no printing on the paper. I tried it by copying a document directly and that worked fine. I suspect the connection is off, but I think I've checked themall and they seem to be okay, so I'm not sure what to do. Guess I'll have to call somebody.

💅💅💅💅💅💅--Nail Polish!

Somehow, I seem to be fixated on Nails D'Elegance--maybe because my tooties look so good. Anyway, I forgot to add their pretty Valentine display the other day, so here it is:

* Dorothy Parker, of course.

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I spent most of the day on food prep, just as I'd planned. It took me several hours to do the cabbage fritters, as I had more cabbage th...