Monday, February 19, 2024


After the usual Sunday stuff, I started in on the bookcase right after breakfast. Here's the first, tentative, and subject-to-change attempt:

I was fired up, so moved to the bedroom, which entailed an incredible of moving around, both switching places for things and removing items altogether. At one point, this was what I was dealing with:

I usually can judge the time through the day, or get very close to it, but I was amazed when--finally finished with the bulk of what I had planned for yesterday--I looked at the clock and saw that it was 5:00 pm! I was so absorbed in my tasks, I didn't realize I had spent the whole day on them. Anyway, that's the start if what I plan to do and I have these two left over:
The bookcase is one of two I had in my room; the other one I was able to get in my closet and transferred my Dionne Quintuplet books to it. The metal thingy was in the closet before. with all kinds of crapola on it--I think I'll see if anyone in the family might want them.

My out-of-town friend, Susan Roberts, is now in town and texted me, asking to meet for coffee at Starbucks across the way. I accepted and will see her at 10 am tomorrow. 

James sent the memorial service flyer for his brother, Benny, which Vickie and I will attend. I got a kick out of the "dressy casual attire" directive, but it kinds, sorta makes sense--in a way.

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Weight: I was up 1.2 at home and 1.4 at T.O.P.S., to 127.6 and 128.4, respectively--no prob, I'm still within my comfort zone. The ...